Chapter 38: Love Life

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Robin's POV

- We go back to her house - 

"Well, what do you want to do now?" I ask walking in the door but carrying things inside 

"I have to put up all of this stuff but you can do anything you would like to. But, just not here in my house." She replies 

"I dont know why you would think I would do anything I would please here." I reply but putting the groceries in the kitchen

"You seem like the kind of guy to take a house as their own even if only barely knowing their way around." I reply

"You should be more nice to me. After all, I am your boyfriend and you should care more for me than you do." I reply but walking back into the living room

"I dont know why you act as though I do not care for you." She replies but putting up the groceries

"I do know that you care for me and it is shown in so many ways. Lets not go through this conversation again." I reply but sitting down on the couch

"I am not about to get into a conversation like that once again. It is getting tiresome." She replies but putting up the stuff in the pantry

"I know and I do not like having those kind of conversations either so you are in luck." I reply

"Good, I think you should just be in the silent for now while I finish up here." She replies 

"Why would you say something like that? I have all the rights in the book to be talking." I reply looking at her in the kitchen

"You are at the moment talking way too much and it is getting on my nerves." She replies 

"Bruh, what the heck kind of comment is that?" I ask 

"I dont know but it felt right to say and you should just listen to me since it is my house and my rules." She replies but finishing up what she is doing 

"I see what you are saying so maybe you are just saying that I should leave your house now, hmm?" I ask

"I never did say that and maybe you could just come up with something we could do instead of talking so much." She replies 

"How am I supposed to think if you are not letting me talk out loud?" I ask

"You ever thought about maybe being quiet and thinking. You know that does exist if you do recall." She replies 

"Whatever, when you finish we will either play a board game or go to your work and see if we can get photos taken." I reply

"I dont know if the second option would be a good one but the first one we could make work." She replies but walking into the living room

"What kind of board games do you have anyways?" I ask looking at her 

"I have a few but here are the few I keep in here. Take your pick." She says pulling out a few and laying them out 

"I think this one would be a good option." I reply but picking it up and opening it up

"Sounds good to me. Your brothers are not going to just randomly show up are they?" She asks 

"No, I do not think they will be showing up at any random time. Why do you ask such a question?" I ask but laying out the game 

"They tend to show up at random times for some reason. I dont know why they do but they always are doing something out of the blue." She replies but sitting down on the floor 

"I see well yes they are weird I do admit but I dont know if they would come here now. I bet they do not even recall the way of getting here." I say sitting on the floor 

"I bet they do remember the way of getting here since it is not too hard to get here from the hospital or even your house." She replies but grabbing her game piece 

"Whatever is fine by me and I dont know what else you would like to me to say on that subject." I reply

"I dont know either but lets just play this game for now and see where we go from there." She replies but moving her game piece after rolling a dice 

"Okay, okay well it is my turn now and I am going to beat you in this game." I say

"I do not think you will beat me since I do dominate in this game." She replies 

"Okay, well I do think I will be the winner of this game." I say rolling the dice and moving my game piece 

"You did roll a higher number than me but this next roll will make up for that for me." She replies but rolling the dice and getting a high number 

"How did you predict that was about to happen?" I ask looking at her 

"You just manifest good things to happen and they shall come to you it is as easy as 1, 2, 3." She replies but moving her game piece 

"I see then I believe this will be even higher than my last number roll was." I reply but rolling the dice and the number is low 

"Oh my gosh, look at that the number is so low." She replies but giggling 

"Oh, would you just shut it?" I ask looking at her then at the game and moving my piece 

"I am just being honest it is quite a low number for someone who said they thought they would have a good number now." She replies but giggling 

"I know but I dont know how you would make a number be like that. Unless, you wished against me and hoped I would lose this time." I reply but shrugging 

"I dont know why you would think someone as bad as that. I think you rolled a number because you did it wrong and got that number." She replies 

"Just be quiet and roll the dice already. Lets see what you get this time and it is going to be a low number, just watch." I say

"Whatever you say will be true." She says shrugging and rolling the dice but it is a high number again

"What in the heck? How are you doing that? You are cheating!" I say 

"I am not cheating how could I be cheating if you are watching me roll the darn dice?" She asks 

"I dont know somehow you are doing something to sabotage me." I reply but rolling this next time after she moves her piece 

"Whatever you think." She replies 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3 

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