Chapter 115: Yes

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- The Next Day- 

Y/N's POV 

Today is the day I am going to be going to look for my wedding dress. For some reason, Barry is going to be the one who is taking me and Maurice and Andy are going with Robin to look for his tux.

"I think this is going to be so much fun for you to be able to look for a wedding dress." Barry says but parking the car at the first wedding dress place 

"It is going to be so much fun and I do appreciate you bringing me out here for this kind of thing." I say but getting out of the car 

"Well, of course you are going to be my sister in law and the best one at that." Barry says but getting out of the car 

"Why, thank you I do appreciate it." I say 

"You are welcome." Barry says but locking the car and we head in 

"I am not even sure what I am looking for in specific but it is going to be something." I say but walking inside 

"It would be cool if you found the perfect dress on the first shot." Barry says but sitting down in one of the chairs in the room 

"I think this is where I need to go." I say but heading for the wedding dress section and pulling a few out then going to the changing room 

"You are on a roll already." Barry says but from outside of the dressing room 

"Okay, this one might look good on me but it depends on how it looks on the shape of my body." I say to myself but putting it on and looking in the mirror then opening the dressing room door and walking out to show Barr y

"I think that one is pretty it is super sparkly too." Barry says 

"What about the cut out on the back?" I ask 

"It is nice but you might be a bit cold depending on what day the wedding is going to be." Barry says 

"Hmm, you are right let me try another one." I say but going and changing into another one  and coming back out 

"Okay, that one is really nice the gems on it are like gorgeous I feel like that could be the perfect one but depending on how you like the bottom of the dress is the real question." Barry says 

"I think I want a more fluffy bottom that is kind of long but this one is short and more straight edged." I say 

"Then, try this one." Barry says getting up and handing me one he spotted 

"Ooo, this one has a lot of potential." I say but going to change into it and looking in the mirror first and walking back out and looking at him

"I think that one just might be it. It fits you perfect and has all of the things you want in the dress but again it is up to you." Barry says 

"I think I will take this one." I say but with a smile 

"Perfect." Barry says but with a smile 

"Yayy." I say but going to change out of it and back into my clothes then coming out 

"This is so exciting." Barry says but holding the dress for me 

- Meanwhile - 

Robin's POV 

I am kind of nervous about tux shopping but then again it is just a tux and I got Maurice and Andy here with me.

"I think maybe you should go with the basic black tux." Mo says 

"I think that would be the best kind of thing to go with." Andy says 

"I think that life is going to be good if I do pick out a black one. I think maybe that these three kind of tuxes would be good to look at." I say but taking three into the dressing room 

"Good luck." Mo says 

"Thank you." I say but changing in the dressing room and then opening the door and walking out and looking at them 

"What do we think?" I ask 

"It is kind of big on the arms and neck." Mo says 

"I must have gotten the wrong size then let me try another one." I say but going back and changing into another one and coming back out 

"I think this one is going to be perhaps the one." I say but turning around 

"Okay, that one is nice if I am being honest but are you going to want to try multiple options or do you think that one is just it and you know it?" Mo asks 

"I think this one might be it right away. I think if I try on others I might start getting confused on what kind of tux I am going to be wanting." I say 

"I think you have a good point then again I have to get one for us too." Mo says 

"Oh, true but when are we going to be shopping for you guys?" I ask 

"Well, when we have Barry so we know it is going to be us all getting the same kind of tux and not mixing them up." Andy says 

"That does make sense okay I am going to be changing out of this one now." I say but getting changed and back into my clothes and coming back out 

"So, we have a winner?" Mo asks 

"Yes, we have a winner." I say 

"It is a nice option too so he is doing good I wonder how Y/N and Barry are doing on her dress." Andy says but looking at me and Mo 

"I am not sure but I am excited to see the dress." Mo says but walking up to the counter and we follow

"I am not even sure how much this one costs." I say 

"I do not know either but it does not matter one bit." Mo says 

"Okay, here we are." I say but putting it on the counter and paying for it then taking it and we head to the car 

"That only took about an hour." Mo says but we get in the car and head home and inside to see Y/N and Barry in the living room 

"How long you guys been home?" Andy asks 

"We just got home like a few minutes ago." Y/N replies but with a smile 

"Ah, ha." Mo says but chuckling

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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