Chapter 102: Light Seeing

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- Next Day - 

Y/N's POV 

This is going to be one fun-filled day. We are going to be seeing large Christmas trees filled with lights. 

"Are your brothers going to be coming with us to these things?" I ask 

"I do not think so it is going to be me and you unless Andy appears out of the blue wanting to come with us," Robin says but brushing his hair 

"I am excited to be able to see the big beautiful trees. It has always been a dream of mine to decorate a tree so tall." I say 

"I think the cool thing is there is going to be a tree everyone can put an ornament on," Robin replies 

"Wait, so it is kind of like a community project?" I ask 

"Well, yes it is going to be one of those so we need to find one to take with us to see these trees." Robin replies 

"Oh, and also they are going to selling cute wreaths and nick knacks and stuff.  I might lose it when we get there." I say but with a chuckle 

"I will try and make sure to keep your hands in check." Robin says but putting on his jacket 

"I do not know how well that might go but it is worth a shot, you know?" I say but putting on my jacket as well

"Is there a need for hats or gloves? Do you think it is going to drop super cold in a bit?" Robin asks 

"I mean I do not know I am going to be putting on one of these." I say but putting on a beanie 

"Maybe I should do the same as you." Robin says but putting on a beanie and grabbing two pairs of gloves for us and handing me one 

"We can just put these in our pockets if we do not want to wear them right away." I say but putting mine in my pocket 

"True, gloves make it a bit hard when it comes to driving so I should do the same." He replies but pocketing the gloves 

"When should we leave?" I ask 

"Well, if it starts at 6 and right now it is 5 we should probably leave at like 5:15 I would say." Robin says 

"Good idea, I think I should portion out my budget for money." I say but putting the cash I have on my bed and looking at it 

"Alright, how much do you have in cash right now?" He asks 

"I have $200 so like should I budget for a $100?" I ask but looking at him

"I would say yes and if you go over you can get the other half of your money back." He replies 

"So you will hold onto my other half for me?" I ask looking at him

"Yes, I will and I will just be a hand holder for you." He replies but getting the $100 in cash and putting it in his pocket 

"I think this is going to be fun for us." I say 

"I think they might have hot chocolate drinks and stuff for us to have." He replies 

"I wonder if they will have cookies or something." I say 

"I think they will have some kind of desserts." He replies but we walk downstairs and getting the keys to the car 

"I think we should warm up the car." I say but following him 

"I think we should too since we haven't been anywhere for a bit of time." He replies but walking out to the car and I follow behind him

"I am not sure how often we are going to be able to get to do things like this." I say but getting in the car 

"Hmm, same here." Robin says but grabbing an ornament and following me then getting into the car as well

"I am so excitedd." I say but Robin hands me the ornament 

"I am excited as well and you were so excited you almost forgot to get the ornament." He replies chuckling but turning on the car 

"I am glad we are going to be one of the first ones there." I say but looking out the window 

"Same here, but this is going to be something we have always wanted to do." Robin replies but turning up the heat in the car

"I wonder why car's get so cold inside." I say but looking at him

"It is because the body of the car gets cold and then the interior is affected. Which leads to us having to warm it up and if the inside stayed hot then the car would explode perhaps." Robin replies 

"Oh, that makes sense. I am glad I have a smart boyfriend like you." I say but leaning over and kissing his cheek 

"When do you get to go back to work and photograph some more people? Just out of curiosity."  Robin asks 

"Well, with the holidays everything has been kind of slow in the bizz but I think someone is going to be coming by soon to make an appearance." I say 

"And who could that be?" He asks but looking back at me 

"Charlie Pride which is kind of amazing since he has always been such an inspiration to me in so many ways." I say 

"Aww, oh my goodness I love that man he has some of the best country music out there." He replies but pulling out of the driveway 

"I know and I kind of wish you and the boys would do a cover of Kiss An Angel Good Morning." I say 

"Well, we could do that for you in specific one of these days if you would like us to." He says but driving us to the place 

"I would adore that honestly." I say but looking out the window 

"Then, it is settled we shall do so." He replies but parking and getting out then opening my door 

"See, I have such an amazing boyfriend." I say but getting out of the car 

"Hey, look they are already setting everything up." He says but shutting the door and locking the car 

"I am so excited I say." I say but looking at him then at the trees 

"Me too." He says but holding my hand and we begin to walk to the place where it is all taking place 

"The trees are so big and beautiful." I say but looking around 

"I know they are but not half as beautiful as you." He says 

"Aww shucks." I say but blushing a bit and walking further to stand where we need to be and Robin was right by my side 

"This is going to be one heck of a night." He says but smiling and holding my hand 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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