Chapter 93: Hope You Find Someone

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- Next Day - 

Y/N's POV 

"I had a good time yesterday." I say but walking inside the house 

"Why did you guys stay out so late?" Mo asks as me and Robin walk in the door 

"How did you end up getting here in my house?" I ask 

"I do have a key and I wanted to make sure nobody was going to be breaking into your house." Mo says 

"That is sweet of ya but I do not know or think anyone would do such a thing." I say but setting down my keys 

"I think they might but also maybe not but that is why I sent Mo here to be at the house while we were gone over night." Robin says but going into our room 

"Where were you guys over night?" Mo asks but looking at me 

"We stayed up all night at the studio working on the photos and stuff." I say 

"Did you end up taking Robin into the music studio as well or would that be a no?" Mo asks 

"I did and he ended up doing the vocals for the album he was told he needed to get done." I say 

"I do not know why he gets so many lone vocals and I do not get the same kind of treatment." Mo says 

"I do not know but if I was in charge you would be owning the vocals a lot of the time." I say 

"Aww, that is so sweet of you but I am not sure if anyone else would be on the same side of agreeing with you besides myself." Mo says 

"What are we talking about out here?" Robin asks but looking at us 

"We are talking about the vocals and such. How come your brother does not get as many vocals alone as you and Barry?" I ask 

"It kind of has just been that way and I do not know what else to tell you about it." Robin says but sitting on the couch

"I do not know if there is some kind of way we could do something about this because come on." I say 

"Why do you want him to have more vocals anyways?" Robin asks but snacking on some crackers 

"I think he has a lovely voice and the world should be able to hear it more than they get to." I say 

"You are sweet and all but I think I have the best voice in the group which is why I have so many parts when it comes to our singing." Robin says but chuckling 

"Hey, that is not very nice of you to be so in love with yourself. Because you have a gf does not mean that you are going to be having one for much longer if you are going to be mean." I say 

"I am sorry alright. You do not have to threaten me like this but it is okay if you would like to keep it up." Robin says 

"I will if you keep being mean or even offensive to your brother. He has feelings you know but sometimes you do not realize it." I say but looking at Robin and then Mo

"I know I do have feelings but I do not think he will ever pay notice to them or even Barry might not. I think I have to get going though it was nice seeing you guys." Mo says but getting his stuff 

"Thanks again." I say 

"You are welcome and take care." Mo says but leaving 

"See what you have done what are you going to be doing about this now?" I ask but looking at Robin 

"There is nothing left for me to do but to invite you over here to sit with me and eat some cracker perhaps." Robin says but holding up the pack of crackers 

"I do not want your damn crackers I want you to be in a better mood more nice." I say 

"I think that is something you will not be getting from me but that is okay you can miss out on the crackers if you would like to do so." Robin says but looking at the tv

"See, you do not even listen when I talk to you or even seem to care for the words I say. You are something else but not the man I first fell in love with." I say

"I still have no clue in the world how you did fall in love with me but that is something for the books I guess I could say." Robin says 

"You sound so rude right now." I say but grabbing a bag and going into our room and packing it up 

"Are you kicking me out of my own house?!" Robin asks 

"Yes!" I say but throwing a bag full of his stuff down the stairs and for him to pick it up

"Hey, you do not have to do this to me you know. I can change if you would like me to do so." He says but looking at me at the top of the stairs 

"You said you would not change and so I want you to leave for today and come back tonight or tomorrow in a better mood. Just do not cheat on me." I say 

"But, I love you." He says 

"Just go away." I say but running into my room and slamming the door 

"Alright, I will go." Robin says but leaving and slamming the door behind him

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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