Chapter 32: They Won't Let Me

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- Opens the door for Robin and lets him inside - 

"How are you feeling today?" Robin asks as he looks at me 

"I am feeling pretty good at the moment. How are you doing?" I ask looking back at him

"I am good but I am here to see if you would like to go on a date with me." He says 

"Where would we be going?" I ask

"I dont know it would be where you like to go to." He replies 

"I thought you planned out the date though. You told me on the phone you thought I would like it." I say looking at him

"Oh right, we are going to be going to a circus which is local to us today." He replies 

"Ohhh, how fun is that going to be." I say but walking out the door 

"Alright then." He says following behind me 

"I think this is going to be so much fun! I think you will really like it." He adds on

"I would think it would be fun and it should be fun. I would hope." I reply getting into his car and he gets in

"This is so going to be fun and I promise you I will not be a let down for you." He replies 

"Good, I mean you better not be. Wait, no not that way it will be fun and not a let down." I reply

"Good, I think this is nice. Lets go." He replies but parking the car once we get there 

"Okay, lets go." I say getting out of the car 

"Okkk." He replies getting out of the car snatching my hand 

"What are we doing here anyways?" I ask

"We are going to be exploring different things. I think there is even games here which could be fun." He says holding my hand and we walk into the park which is the circus 

"I thought it would have been more of an indoor thing but this is fine too." I say

"Ohh, no you see the circus things are outside most of the time since it is hot outside." He says walking up to a game 

"What kind of game is this?" I ask looking at him

"I am going to try my best to win you a stuffed animal or some type of prize from here." He says handing some money and playing the game 

"Okk, what if I want to play too?" I ask

"I pay and you can play as many times as you want." He replies but failing to win anything 

"Would you like me to give it a go and try and win something for you?" I ask

"Sure, maybe you will have some good luck." He replies and we switch places 

"Hmm, I might be able to have a bit of luck with this." I say playing the game and winning many prizes one right after another 

"What the heck are we going to do with all of these stuffed animals now?" He asks looking at me but holding onto them

"I dont know but you have brothers we could give them to." I say with a smile but winning another on the last play

"Yeah, I have brothers but they are not little where they would like stuffed animals." He replies 

"Thennn why did you want to play this game in the first place?" I ask

"I wanted to win something for you but it did not work out. I also did not imagine you to win so many prizes." He replies 

"Of course you would not. Men think woman are not as good as them when half the time we are better than most men are." I say

"You are so sure of yourself arent you?" He asks turning to look at me 

"No, not so much sure of myself more like confident in the woman population is all." I say finishing the game and walking over to him

"More people should have the kind of confidence you have in yourself and so many others." He says laughing 

"Is that an insult or what is it?" I ask

"No, lets just carry on. I think there is a photo booth around somewhere and then a few more games. There are also clowns around which are a bit of the creepy kind." He replies but walking and I walk beside him

"We still need to do something with these here that we have so many of." I say

"I think you about wiped them out of their items and we barely got here." He replies 

"You dont got to do much to be good at something. You are just good then you are good at it." I reply

"You are good at so many things though which is insane." He replies 

"That might be true but I cant hold a tune for the life of me so." I say shrugging but walking up to a clown

"Dont get too close it might jump scare you." He says walking behind me 

"Its fine clowns are nice fellas." I say

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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