Chapter 170: Happy

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- Few Days Later - 


Today was a busy day at work and I am so tired but it feels good to be back in the house. I think after a long break then it hits you how busy and tired work makes you feel.

"Did you have a good day my love?" Robin asks but looking at me as he is cooking up dinner 

"I would have to say yes but I am so tired for some reason." I say

"You look a little tired my love." Robin replies but keeps cooking 

"I know." I say but getting up to make a salad to go on the side of dinner 

"I wonder how it would be like to be a doctor sometimes you know. I feel like being an artist as in the music industry is so different from something like that." Robin says but finishing cooking up the meat 

"Well, yes I think that would be very different. I sometimes do wonder what life would be if we chose different industry fields but I am so glad we did not." I say

"I know but I could not imagine our lives any other way." Robin says but putting the meat on the plates 

"Mmmkay, true." I say but adding some of the salad I made on the side 

"Did we want to add anything else to our plates?" Robin asks 

"I do not know what else we could add to the side. I think this should be fine if you think it is good to go." I say

"Yeah, it should be and if we want something to munch later like dessert we could." Robin says but putting the plates on the table 

"What do you want to drink?" I ask

"Hmm, tea should be good." Robin says but getting silverware 

"Okay." I say but pouring us both tea 

"Perfect, now we should be able to eat." Robin says but sitting and I seat myself as well

- Skips to after dinner - 

"That would good my love." I say but washing the dishes 

"Thank you baby." Robin says but smiling and wiping down the counters 

"You know you should cook more often than you do because you cook rather well." I say but then drying the dishes and putting them away

"You think so? Sometimes I am not too sure about how good my cooking is honestly." Robin says but looking at me 

"Well you cook well soo you should do it more often." I say but drying off my hands and heading upstairs 

"Whatever you want then my love." Robin says but following 

"Good then I will be excited to eat more often." I say but getting into the bedroom and walking into the bathroom

"Hmm okay." Robin says but sitting on the bed and waiting for me 

- Washes my face and brushes my teeth -

"You look cute when you wash your face you know that?" Robin asks but looking in the bathroom from the bed 

"Why are you looking at me with those eyessss?" I ask but drying off my face 

"Because I can you know so let me be and you shall be fine." Robin says 

"You are cute you know that." I say but chuckling and brushing my teeth

"Hi." Robin says but walking into the bathroom and joining me in brushing his teeth

"I think sometimes our night routine is so random and different every night but then again I am like it is nice too because we are stuck in one set way." I say but wiping the toothpaste from my mouth

"I know I would not be one who likes to be stuck in the same routine you know." Robin says but wiping off his mouth

"Are you going to be showering?" I ask

"Yes, because I didn't this morning." Robin replies 

"Okay, you have fun in your shower then." I say but kissing his cheek and walking out of the bathroom then downstairs 

- Robin gets clothes then showers - 

"Hm." I say but putting some water to boil then putting some teas in our cups then going back upstairs and changing into comfortable clothes 

"I swear I take such quick showers." Robin says but walking out of the bathroom

"Yes, you do my love." I say but looking at him but then going back downstairs to turn the water off 

"Why you walking away from meeee?" Robin asks but following me down the stairs and into the kitchen

"I was making us tea I do not need it to scream." I say but chuckling and turning off the water and pouring our teas 

"Ohhh, lovely then my love." Robin says but looking at me 

"It is your favorite kind of tea by the way if you are okay with it." I say but looking at him

"Yes, you know my likes so I trust you." He replies but with a chuckle 

"Okay." I say but adding a little bit of sugar 

"What else are we going to do tonight?" He asks 

"I have no clue but I keep yawning so maybe sleep early." I say 

"Perhaps that could be good is there anything good on the tv today?" Robin asks 

"I have no idea to be honest." I say but looking at him

"Ah, okay then." Robin says but grabbing his cup and heading upstairs 

"Yeah." I say but getting mine and following him

"I think I might be as tired as you are honestly." Robin says but setting his cup beside his side of the bed 

"I think so too cause you look tired." I say but doing the same then sitting down in the bed 

"I wonder what time is it?" Robin asks 

"I have no idea." I say

"Oh, it is 9." Robin says but looking at clock

"Oh, dang it is kind of late but not too bad you know." I say

"True." Robin replies but laying his head on me 

"Hm." I say but kissing his head and cuddling him

"I told you I like when I am near you like this." He says but with a chuckle 

"I never doubted it my love." I say but smiling 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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