Chapter 29: Always Be

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- Next day -

Robin's POV

"Well,  I had a really good date last night with Y/N." I say as I eat my breakfast and look at Mo

"That is good to hear I guess?" Mo replies with a chuckle 

"Heyyy, how rude." I reply

"What is rude about that?" Mo asks 

"You should be happy that I am having a good life just like you are." I reply

"Well, I am glad you are having a good life and you should be. Glad you shared your news." Mo replies with a chuckle

"Ugh, whatever Barry and Andy will care about what I have to say." I say looking over at them

"Well, we have been listening to the whole conversation so congrats on having a really good date." Andy says 

"Thank you and maybe in the future when you start dating you can be as lucky as me." I reply while finishing up my food 

"I would hope not like you because I do not plan on hitting someone with my car to find my soulmate." Andy replies chuckling 

"He has got a point so you can't deny it." Barry says nudging Andy but laughing as well

"You guys are just making a whole joke out of me. Are you or are you not?" I ask looking at them

"We are not doing no such thing as that." Barry says washing the dishes 

"Sure as heck you are not.  I dont think I am a laughing joke or something close." I say

"You hit someone with your car, she lost her memory, and now you are basically dating her." Mo says 

"And your point is?" I ask looking at Mo

"I dont have one so I was just saying the obvious." Mo replies 

"And for your information we love each other and are now dating. We made it official last night." I say

"I thought you had made it official before or did you not?" Andy asks 

"It was not official like authentic but more like official in other senses." I reply

"I dont even want to ask you what kind of official you were thinking then at the time." Mo replies 

"It was not even bad it was that we would not date anyone else besides each other once we were comfortable." I say but walking upstairs 

"I dont get you sometimes but you know its fine." Barry replies 

"I have better things to do with myself and I dont know if you guys want to come along with me." I say

"What are you going to be doing?" Andy asks walking upstairs 

"I am going to be going grocery shopping for the house since we need food. We are out of eggs, cheese, milk, meats and more." I reply but getting my keys 

"I will come if you would like me to come along with me. More like if you allow me to come with you." Andy replies 

"I dont mind if you come along. I dont know if you want to come or not but it is what it is." I reply

"I do  so lets go to the store now." Andy says and I follow behind 

"What store do you think we should go to?" I ask 

"I think we should go to the store around the corner since it is not too far from here and it should have everything." Andy says 

"Okay, sounds good then lets go. Bye guys." I say walking out the door and Andy follows me and then we head off to the store 

- at the store -

"What are we going to be buying again?" Andy asks while he pushes the cart 

"We need some meats so lets get some." I Say grabbing some chicken, beef, salmon and more kinds of meats 

"Do we have a budget for today or not?" He asks 

"No, we just get what we need and the price will be what it is." I reply but grabbing some veggies and fruits and adding them to the cart 

"Can we get some cereals?" Andy asks 

"Yeah, go pick some of your favorite ones out and we will get them." I reply but loading up the cart more 

"What do you think about these ones?" Andy says coming back with boxes of cereals 

"Whatever you want for them is totally fine with me." I say

"Okay, that sounds good to me." He replies 

"Good, I got these while you were away. Did I miss anything you wanted to pick up?" I ask

"I want some strawberries and some whipped cream. It sounds good if that is okay with you." He says 

"Anything you want is fine with me and I dont care just pick out anything you want." I say

"Yay, thank you so much." He replies 

"You are welcome so just load up everything you want." I reply

"Hmm." Andy says loading up the cart with some goodies he has been wanting 

"I think this should be good for now. If we need anything else we can always come back, right?" I ask

"Yeah, well you are the one who can drive and not me." He replies 

"I dont know what else we could be missing honestly." I say walking to the cash register 

"I dont know either." Andy says grabbing some candy bars and putting them to be checked out then we get checked out and leave the store 

"Where to next?" Andy asks 

"I dont know. Where do you want to go before we go home?" I ask driving 

"We should get some food." Andy says 

"Sounds good to me." I reply driving to a drive thru to get food 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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