Chapter 162: Will It Be

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- December 21st - 


I had a photoshoot with Freddie yesterday and it was so much fun. Today is the first day of Winter and tomorrow is the twins birthday so it is kind of a busy time for us. 

"I think this is going to be so much fun but it it kind of a lot of planning going into this." I say

"You know you do not have to make a big deal out of anything you know." Robin says 

"I am thinking I should since you did a big deal for my birthday back in the year." I say

"It is funny how I do not even know what we did for your birthday. We have done so many things and I am sorry to not recall." Robin says 

"It is just fine but it is going to be good for your birthday tomorrow I do promise you that." I say

"Yeah, plus me and Andy are helping but the main idea was Y/N's." Barry says 

"I always forget when you show up to my house and then suddenly you just start talking." Robin says but with a chuckle 

"I think that it is nice to think about things you know. But, when you think too much it becomes a little too much." Mo says 

"Well, me, Andy and Barry need to go off to go get some items so we shall be back in a bit of time." I say but looking at them

"Okay, we will be here if you need us for some reason." Robin says 

"Okay, sounds good to me." I say but walking to Barry's car 

- Barry, Mo and me head off to the store - 

"This is going to be so much fun to be able to buy some items for tomorrow. I am wondering how many things we need to be able to decorate." I say 

"I am not too sure but it is going to be interesting to know how many decorations we are needing to get. I have some we can use so mainly some balloons, streamers and then the cake will be ready in the am." Barry says 

"Oh good then this should be simple you know." Andy says but picking up some items 

"What kind of things do you think else we might need?" I ask but picking out some balloons 

"I think we just need to invite the rest of everyone when we get home." Barry says 

"It is nice to know I can call without Mo being behind me for some reason." Andy says 

"I think Freddie is going to be coming for sure and the rest of Queen. Then I did invite a couple of other groups so this is going to be one popular birthday party for the twins." Barry says 

"I am wondering about how many people will actually show up. I do hope everyone does indeed show up." I say

"I think enough people for it to be a party is going to be fine you know. I just hope not one person is going to cancel on us because then it would be kind of a lame time for us." Andy says 

"You have a point there now I think we are ready for the checkout." I say but heading to check out then we get checked out 

"I think it is good we also got some foods and drinks for the party. I think it is kind of funny how we almost forgot to do so." Barry says but opening the back of the car 

"I know but of course we need to feed the people and make them hydrated." I say but loading up the car

"I am so glad you guys were able to do this with me." Barry says 

"Well, of course you know it was after all Y/N's idea. You have the biggest car which is nice to be able to fill up." Andy says 

"What did you guys get the boys for presents?" Barry asks but we get in the car 

"I got Mo a nice watch and then I got Robin a really nice leather jacket. Of course a couple of little things to go with them but you get the idea." I say

"I got them munchies cause they are both hungry people so I thought it would go good. And plus you can never get too many snack foods." Andy says 

"Oh nice." Barry says but driving 

"What did you get for the boys?" I ask but looking at Barry 

"Well, I got them both matching shoes because I thought it would be funny since you know they are twins. I think it would be cute for them to match." Barry says 

"Ooo, that is going to be so cute I should have thought about it." I say

"I am glad you did not because I was able to do something like this." Barry says 

"I think this is going to be one of the best birthdays we have given them so it is going to be nice." Andy says 

"I do hope they get a lot of happiness from this birthday celebration and if they do not then you know they are not thankful for much." Barry says 

"I know but they are the kind of people to be grateful for a lot of things so I think it is going to be good." I say but looking out the window 

"We can keep the stuff at my house and then tomorrow when it is set up time we will bring it over." Barry says 

"Okay, that does sound like a good plan you know." I say

"Yes, that is a good thing you know and this is going to be so much fun for us to be able to do this tomorrow in the morning." Andy says 

"I know and I am so glad I get to do this kind of thing with you two by my side." Barry says 

"I am excited to be able to see the boys smiles tomorrow." Andy says 

"Me too." I say but with a smile 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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