Chapter 159: Live Your Life

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- Next Day - 

Y/N's POV 

I think life is kind of insane to be able to think about the holiday season. I think it is going to be nice to make cookies and such.

"Today we should make some Christmas cookies so we can feel like we are in the holiday season." Robin says 

"I think it is going to be good you know I have a few recipes in mind for this kind of thing. I was thinking of trying to make some egg nog cookies?" I ask

"Ooo those sound good but do you know how to make them or no?" Robin asks 

"Yes, I know how to make a lot of different baked goods. Baked goods is kind of one of those things I am good at for some reason." I say 

"Oh nice you kind of showed me that but you know." Robin replies 

"I think we should get the items out we are going to need for this." I say 

"I got the flour and sugar." Robin says but putting them on the counter 

"We just use egg nog instead of milk for this so it is going to make a soft and crumbly cookie that is so soft to taste." I say 

"Ooo, that does sound so good to taste you know." Robin replies 

"Mhhm." I say but getting the egg nog out and a few other items out 

"Do we need eggs for this or because of egg nog do you not need them?" Robin asks 

"We just need a couple for them to stay together you know." I say

"Right, this is going to be nice and lets get started." Robin says but we make the cookies 

"This sounds like it is going to be so nice and soft cookies." I say

"I was wondering if there was any other cookie recipes." Robin wonders 

"I think we could do a chocolate chip cookie recipe. I think we could also do a soft chewy chunky cookie with some nuts in it." I say 

"I think that would sound good but what kind of nuts do we have for the cookies?" Robin asks 

"We have some walnuts and I think we have some powder sugar. I think these cookies are called wedding cookies from Mexico or there is an Italian version from Italy." I say 

"You always are thinking when it comes to the holiday season." Robin replies 

"The holiday season is one of those things I like to open my hand out to and be able to come up with lots of good ways to make these kind of cookies." I say 

"I think you are such a good baker and that is kind of why everyone loves you and your cooking." Robin says 

"You are right but sometimes I feel like the cookies I make do not always come out the way I think they are going to." I say 

"I think they do you know and you can never go wrong with a cookie. I feel like there is so many things you can do or put into a cookie to make it taste so good." Robin says but putting the cookies in the oven

"True and same thing with the idea of cakes you can fill them with anything or put anything in the batter. Then after it cooks you can either taste it or you cant." I say

"That is kind of why I like chocolate cakes you know you can add anything and everything inside of them." Robin replies 

"Chocolate does cover up a lot of tastes when it comes to cakes." I say 

"I like chocolate in anything and everything it just makes everything taste better no matter what." Robin replies 

"I think the brothers are going to be coming over or no?" I ask

"I think they are going to be coming by and hanging out with us. I think I told them about the cookies you know and they are excited to be coming by to try some cookies." Robin replies 

"I think you would be the one to tell them about the cookies and I know they love cookies so it is going to be good." I say

"There is a lot of cookies so we can send them home with some if you would like to do so." Robin says 

"I think it is good to be able to send them home with cookies so we are not going to be having so many cookies." I say 

"There is no way to be able to eat that many cookies on our own." Robin says 

"We might even be baking more sweet treats later on so this is going to be going rather well." I say 

"I think it is going to as well however life is kind of funny when it comes to the things we bake you know?" Robin asks 

"How so?" I ask

"Because we make things and then the next day they dry out a little bit then they keep drying out until they go bad." Robin says 

"Interesting you think about these kind of things. I never thought of it like that you know which is kind of funny in the long run." I say 

"I know but it is interesting if you do put your mind on think hard mode." Robin says 

"I do think hard a little too much which then leaves me to overthinking and thinking that the fan is going to wack me in the head." I say 

"I do not think a fan is going to wack you in the head you know." Robin replies 

"I know but then again it is kind of insane if you think about it happening sometime you know." I say 

"And that is why you are my overthinking wife. What ever shall I do with you?" Robin asks 

"I do not know but you know that is just fine." I say but chuckling 

'You are always going to be the one I love the most anyways." Robin says but with a smile 

"Same here." I say 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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