Chapter 186: Buffalo

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- Getting into Buffalo - 

Y/N's POV 

This has been one long drive but we are finally here.

"Wakey wakey baby." I say as we pull up to the hotel 

"Mmm.." Robin mumbles but opening his eyes and looking at me 

"We have made it to the hotel finally." I say

"Mmmm.. okay." Robin says but rubbing his eyes and sitting up

"I think the hotel looks nice from the outside of it so I am excited to go get us checked in." I say

"Okay, I will stay here with the car." Robin says 

"Okay." I say but getting out of the car and going inside to check into the hotel

Robin just straightens himself up in the car and sipping some water 

I come back a few minutes later 

"Okay, we are all set to get inside you know." I say but opening the trunk of the car 

"Oh good." Robin says but getting out of the car and meeting me in the trunk

"I think it is good we do not pack so much like other people do." I say

"I think this is kind of nice to be able to have little bags." Robin says 

"Well, yes we do not have a lot of things to be packed." I say but getting my suitcase 

"Well this will be easy." Robin says but getting his suitcase 

"I think we are going to have so much fun here despite we will only be here for two days." I say

"Two days to be able to get away you know it is nice to think about a bit of relaxation." Robin says 

"I think this is nice too." I say but we head inside 

"Into the room we go." Robin says but making me lead the way

I open the door to the room and we walk inside 

"Ooo, this room looks so nice." I say but looking around the room

"It is big in here too." Robin says but chuckling 

"I did not think it would be this nice but you know look at it." I say but putting my stuff down

"I know right." Robin says 

"Well do we think we are going to be doing anything now or are we going to just go get some food?" I ask

"I think we can just go get some food and then come back here and relax." Robin says 

"I agree I think if we just do some stuff tomorrow and relax today it could be good." I say but washing my hands and Robin does the same 

"Well what do we want to eat?" Robin asks 

"I have no idea tbh but any kind of food sounds good." I say

"I think we could just drive down the road and see what is on the sides and looks good." Robin says 

"That sounds funny but it could work." I say

"I am in no mood for maps right now so it is going to be good." Robin says but with a chuckle and taking the keys 

"You still look tired." I say

"Well I am not tired but rather I look tired." Robin says but we head back to the car 

"Food is the way to go to make us feel good inside." I say

"I agree but I do hope we find a burger place or something." Robin says 

"I think we will." I say but we get into the car 

"I will keep my eyes open but you must keep your eyes peeled and tell me where to turn." Robin says 

"Got itt." I say but looking out the window 

Robin starts to drive and I spot a place.

"Ooo, that place is called White Town Burgers." I say but pointing 

"Okay, that is good lets go there it sounds good." Robin says but turning into the parking lot 

"I wonder what kinds of burgers they are going to have." I say

"Your guess is as good as mine." Robin replies but parking the car 

"This is such a cute place I did hear a lot of the locations closed though which is so sad to know." I say

"True I think the idea of places closing is so hard to hear." Robin says but we get out of the car 

We head inside and order some food 

"Are we going to be eating in here or bringing it back to the hotel?" I ask

"I think we can eat here if you would like to do so." Robin says 

"Yes, it will be less mess for us to deal with later." I say but with a chuckle 

"Mmm true and it will be fresh still." Robin says but our name is called a few minutes later and we get our order 

"This does look good and smells so good." I say

"I have to agree it does indeed look and smell good." Robin says but unwrapping his burger 

"I think the fries are going to be nice and crunchy just by the looks of it." I say

"Oooo, those are the best kind of fries." Robin says 

"I do not know what to think about this right now." I say but biting into the burger 

"Ooo, this tastes amazing." Robin says but biting into his 

"This is so good I think one of the best burgers I have had yet." I say

"I am thinking this is one of my favorite places now to eat." Robin says 

"I do not know to be honest if we can get these any other city." I say

"I do not think so but it is okay we can have this when we come here." Robin replies 

"True and these fries are amazing." I say

"I agree this is so good." Robin replies 

"I am so glad we did decide to do this because it is so nice to be away from the house for now." I say

"And knowing we are off work for a couple of days you know." Robin says 

"We are lucky with the kind of jobs we work." I say

"I know we are and I am forever blessed." Robin says 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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