-Welcome to the Villains' World-

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A/N: People talking will be in bold.

In a place Yuu was standing in his front yard, checking on his flower garden. His bestfriend and pet, Pancake laying on the front porch, taking a nap.

Yuu lives by himself, with his bestfriend, Pancake. Yuu's parents are out of town, and there are no relatives that lives nearby, so Yuu has to rely on feeding himself and Pancake. Yuu gathers a bunch of flowers that he has grown, and puts them into a bouquet.

Yuu walks towards his home, and saw his furry friend sleeping. "Pancake." Yuu calls softly. Upon hearing his name the fennec fox's ears twitches, he opens his eyes and yawns. Pancake has been with Yuu throughout his entire life.

He doesn't understand why the boy gave him a name that is the same as a breakfast item. Sure, when Yuu gave him that name it was because he was fluffy like a pancake, and that's what he's been called for 16 years. Pancake has been with the family for 18 years, 2 with Yuu's parents, 16 with Yuu ever since he was born.

Pancake being an animal can't really tell Yuu, that he doesn't like that name. Pancake got up from his nap, sat up, and barks in response. "Let's head inside. I wanna put these flowers into a vase." Yuu said, as he held the bouquet flowers. Pancake barks in response, and waited for Yuu to open the door.

Yuu opens the door, and the both of them went inside of their home. Once inside, Yuu went to go find an empty vase, fills it with water, and placed the flowers into it. Pancake went to sit on a carpet that was in front of the tv and went back to his nap.

Yuu giggled at his best friend's action, and starts making dinner. Yuu isn't the best at cooking, but at least his cooking is edible. Pancake usually being his food taster, sometime the boy can cook certain thing, and sometime he fails.

Pancake always like eating berries, whether it's blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc. etc. Although there is one thing Pancake does not like, and that's vegetables, no matter how many times Pancake tries to eat vegetables he would threw up.

Yuu made a note, to never give Pancake vegetables. Yuu has finally finish making dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs with a side of garlic bread. As for Pancake, meatballs and berries. "Bon appétit." Yuu said, remembering he heard people from tv says it, before he digs in.

Pancake barks in a way saying "thanks for the meal" and eats his dinner. The both of them finish their dinners and decided to watch some tv to pass the time. It was getting late, Yuu turns off the tv and head upstairs to his room, with Pancake following behind him.

Yuu changes into his pajamas, prepares in the bathroom, and went under the covers of his blankets. Pancake got onto the bed, and lays to the pillow that was next to Yuu. "Goodnight, Pancake." Yuu said. The both of them closed their eyes, and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, a carriage with a black horse appeared in front of Yuu's and Pancake's home. It neighs alerted Yuu to wake up. Yuu got up, look outside his window, and saw the black horse with the carriage.

At first, Yuu thought he was seeing things, but after rubbing his eyes he sees that he wasn't. To say Yuu was surprised was an understatement. To suddenly have a black horse, with no horse rider on it, is weird itself. It was like the black horse knows exactly where to go, without needing someone to tell them.

Scared and curious is how Yuu felt. He was scared as to why a horse with a carriage would appear on his front yard, curious because he couldn't tell why it was there and he wanted to know. Yuu was a bit reluctant at first to check it out, but his curiosity got the best of him. you know what they say "curiosity kills the cat".

Yuu shook Pancake awake. Pancake opens his eyes, and yawns. "Let's go check that carriage out." Yuu said, as he picks up Pancake, and begins making his way downstairs. Pancake was still a bit drowsy from waking up seconds ago, but upon the words reaching him, he was afraid. Not afraid of what will happen to him, but afraid of what will happen to Yuu.

Yuu would always tell his problems to Pancake, in a way to not worry anyone, and not keep everything in him. Pancake has seen Yuu's unhappy mood a lot of times, this makes it so Pancake has a mission to protect Yuu from any harm the best he can.

Upon reaching outside of his home, Yuu walks towards the carriage and stood in front of the door. Yuu notices the weather, that it seems like it was about to rain, but isn't. Pancake's ears are flat against his head showing that he is afraid, but with Yuu by his side, he's not completely afraid.

The horse neighed, and hoofed at the ground. Yuu snaps out of his attention on the weather, and looks at the door. Yuu was very curious as to why a horse with a carriage would be here. Maybe there is somewhere the horse is suppose to bring Yuu, and that's why it was here.

Yuu took a deep breath, and slowly inches his hand towards the doorknob. With each passing second, it felt like forever for both Yuu and Pancake. Once Yuu's hand reaches it, he opens it slowly, and saw no one in it.

Yuu took another deep breath, musters up his courage, went into the carriage, sit on the seat, closes the door, and the horse carrying the carriage begins to move, bringing both Yuu and Pancake to somewhere.

Along the way Yuu fell asleep, with Pancake on the seat next to him, witting to arrived at a place wherever the horse is brining them.

However, what they didn't know is that by going with the horse, their worlds are about to change. For the better or maybe for the worst?

A/N: Should Yuu have a love interest? Or should I make it like a various x Yuu type of situation?

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