(07) The Raven Caws

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"Magic crystal, here we come." Nate said.

⁕*⁕*⁕𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬' 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝⁕*⁕*⁕

At the entrance of the Dwarfs' Mine, Grim lured the faceless monster outside.

"Hey, beastly! O-O-O-over here!" Grim shouted, as he went out the entrance. The faceless monster was behind him. The monster growls. "LeaAAAAAEE!" The monster yelled. "Gah! It's coming!" Grim screamed.

Yuu was in a different direction. "Over here, beastly!" Yuu yelled. The monster growls, as he looks over to Yuu. "There... thief... too. Won't give... mine... mine!!" The monster yelled. The monster tried to punch Grim, but he dodged it in time. The punch the monster did, made an impact on the ground.

"Pyah! That punch looks like a knockout if it lands!" Grim exclaimed, when he saw the hole in the ground. "Get it as far from the tunnel as possible!" Yuu shouted. "Go away! Go away!!!" The monster yelled, as it chased after Grim. The monster and Grim got far from the tunnel.

"It's pretty far from the tunnel now!" Grim said. "Now!" Yuu shouted. Nate, Ace and Deuce came out from their hiding spots and use their magic on the monster. "[Binding Chains]!" Nate shouted, as metals chains came out from the ground and bind around the monster to stop it from moving. "Go for it!" Nate shouted.

"Ok, I got this! Let's go, [Extra Large Tempest]!" Ace shouted, as he creates a large tornado around the monster. "And the Great Grim's [Fire Special]! Ffgnaaaaaa!" Grim shouted, as he breathe fire at it. The fire and tornado mixed together and created a fire tornado.

"Guaaaaah!!?" The monster exclaimed. "How's this! I can even fan Grim's shoddy flame into an inferno!" Ace said. "It's not shoddy! Ugh, every word out of your mouth pisses me off!" Grim said. "The monster is caught in the fire tornado! Now's our chance!" Yuu shouted. Deuce took a deep breathe. "Calm down... Take aim... The biggest, heaviest... thing I know..." Deuce said.

"Come forth, [Cauldron]!" Deuce shouted, a cauldron appeared and fell on top of the monster. "Got it! Nice work, everyone!" Nate said. "Hey, look!" Grim said, as he looks at the monster. "The monster looks flat as a pancake, just like Ace earlier!" Grim said, as it reminds him of when Ace was squashed by the cauldron. "You don't need to bring that up again! Jeez, today just isn't my day." Ace said, as he shook his head.

"Let's go get the magic crystal while that thing can't move." Deuce said. Everyone agrees and ran into the mine. "Waaaaaaaaiiitt!!" The monster yelled, as he was still trapped. "There! A magic crystal!" Deuce said, as he saw it. "Hands oooooofff!!" The monster yelled, as it's almost got the cauldron off.

"Crap! That thing is almost free!" Ace said. "We gotta think of something!" Nate said. "Oi, Deuce! Throw some more stuff on it!" Grim said. "Eeeh, something heavy!? C-come forth! Cauldron!" Deuce shouted, as a cauldron falls on it. "And, uuummm, ummmm, cauldron!? One more, cauldron!" Deuce shouted, as two more cauldrons falls on it.

The monster screams as the cauldrons got on him. "Do you have nothing but cauldrons in your repertoire!?" Ace exclaimed. "Shut up! I'm at my wits' end over here!" Deuce yelled. "We gto the magic crystal!" Yuu said, as he held the magic crystal. "Let's go!" Nate said. "Let's skedaddle!" Grim said. "Roger!" Ace said.

Everyone starts running. "That. Is... MIIIIINNNEE!" The monster yelled.

⁕*⁕*⁕𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬' 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝⁕*⁕*⁕

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