(01) Night Raven College

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However, what they didn't know is that by going with the horse, their worlds are about to change. For the better or maybe for the worst?

⁕*⁕*⁕𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬' 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝⁕*⁕*⁕

Inside of a room full of floating coffins, our friends Yuu and Pancake are in them. Yuu was currently in a coffin still asleep until noises from outside of it woke him up. Yuu slowly opens his eyes to see what was going on, but when he opens them all he sees is darkness.

Outside of his coffin, a cat-like monster with a blue flame coming out of his ears and tail, was trying to lift open the coffin. "Crap. People are coming. Gotta get a uniform while..." The cat-like monster said, as he tries to open the lift, but to no avail.

No matter how hard he tries, he couldn't lift open the coffin lid. "Grrr!! The lid is too heavy." The monster said, as he rest for a bit. "Time for... my secret move! Guwaahuuh~~~~ There!" The monster said, as he blew fire onto the coffin. "F-fire?!?!" Yuu screamed, when he saw the blue flames.

When the monster blew his fire, he accidentally opens up a coffin lid next to Yuu's, which is where Pancake was. Upon hearing Yuu's screaming, Pancake jolted awake. "Yuu? Yuu!!" Pancake screamed, calling for his friend, worrying what's happening to him.

When Pancake saw that there was fire, he screamed. "Gyaaaa!?!?" Pancake screamed. Suddenly the lid to his coffin blew off as well, he sat up, and started looking around his surroundings before seeing Yuu and the monster there.

"Ok, ok. Gotta get..." The monster said, as he walks over to Yuu's coffin. Upon reaching the coffin, the monster saw that the person inside is awake. "Whaaaaaaa!!!! Why are you up!?" The monster screamed, not knowing why the boy was up.

"Yuu, are you okay?" Pancake asked, as he got to him. Upon seeing Pancake, Yuu screamed. "Who are you?! And how do you know my name?!" Yuu screamed. "It's me, Pancake!" Pancake answered, as he points at himself. "Pancake? Why are you so different?" Yuu asked. "Different?" Pancake questioned.

Pancake was so worried about Yuu, that he didn't pay attention to himself until Yuu pointed it out. Pancake look at himself, and indeed he was different. Pancake is wearing a black robe, with some purple and a bit of gold around it. He saw that he has a human body, his skin tone was olive, his hair was short and it was creamy white. He is 175cm in height, 5cm taller than Yuu. His eyes sky blue, just like it is before when he was an animal. He also have his fennec fox ears and tail.

"You're right! I am different!" Pancake exclaimed, as he checks himself for a bit. "Where are we anyway?" Pancake asked, after he finished checking himself. "We're in a room full of floating coffins!?" Yuu exclaimed, as he finally saw the floating coffins the room him, Pancake and the monster was in.

The monster was in front of them as he watched the interaction, and decided to break it. "You've got a lot of nerve to ignore me when I'm standing in front of you. Your fate was sealed the moment I spotted you." The monster said to Yuu. Pancake spotted the cat-like monster and mistaken him for a raccoon.

"A talking r-raccoon!?" Pancake exclaimed, when he saw the monster. "Just who are you calling a raccoon!!!!" The monster said, in an irritated expression. "I am the Great Grim!" Grim said, as he told him his name. Grim's attention is now on Yuu.

"Well, whatever. Hey, human! Hurry and give me those clothes! Otherwise... I'll roast ya!" Grim threatened. "This is a dream right? It must be a dream." Yuu said to himself. "Dreaming about getting roasted by a raccoon, that's a new one!" Pancake said. "I said I'm not a freakin' raccoon!" Grim yelled.

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