(20) Pain, Fear and Regret

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And with that the group begin forming a plan to stop Leona's plan.


After that day, the group have came up with a plan to stop Leona from succeeding in his plan.

It was now the day of the tournament, Nate and Jack were on their morning run, and since they were close to the Ramshackle Dorm they both decided to go wake Yuu up.

Nate and Jack got into the Ramshackle Dorm, and Jack was surprised at how the dorm looks. Nate saw Jack's surprised. "Is there something wrong?" He asked his friend. "No... Just surprised to see this Dorm cleaned up..." Jack replied. Nate looks around, he hummed and nodded in agreement. "Well, it's certainly better than the first time I saw this dorm." He said, keeping quiet about the fact that Yuu was most likely the one to clean it, as for Grim, well... you know. "Come on, let's go wake them up." He said, and starts walking up the stairs, Jack following behind.

Nate and Jack made their way towards the room where Yuu and Grim were sleeping in, and went in. Nate went and stand next to Yuu, he lightly shakes Yuu, and wake him up. "Yuu, time to get up." He said. He looked towards Grim, who was sleeping on the other pillow. "You too, Grim." He said.

Yuu slowly opened his eyes, and saw the two Savanaclaw Students. "Nate and Jack?" He asked, blinking a few times tiredly. "Hey... Get up." Jack said. "Was that a dream...?" Yuu thought to himself.

"Huh? Why are you two in our dorm?" Grim asked, now fully awake. "Jack and I were doing our morning run, and were made a stop here." Nate explained. "Today's the magical shift tournament. I couldn't let you oversleep." Jack added. Nate nodded. "That too." He said

"Ah! That's right!" Grim said, realizing what day it was. "We gotta catch the culprit so Ramshackle Dorm can get our prize, entry into the tournament." Grim said. "I still can't believe that was the main goal for this." Nate said, with a sigh.

"Let's do this!" Yuu said, now fully awake, and a bit energetic. "Well, I'm nervous, but there's no backing down, now." Nate said.

"Hmm... See you at the stadium. Don't you dare go back to sleep." Jack said, crossing his arms. "Let's go, Nate." He said, and begin walking towards the door. "See you there." Nate said to Yuu and Grim, and followed Jack out of the room.


At the area of the festival, on the Side Street where a bunch of stalls were up.

Azul the Dorm Leader of Octavinelle was walking around, checking the stalls, making sure everything is prepared and in order. His assistants were walking behind him.

Azul hummed. "Attendance is high again this year. I must keep an eye on the sales for each food stall as well." He said, seeing a bunch of people walking around. "As long as I'm the manager for this event you won't be able to get away with altering the books. Fufufu."

"Dorm Head, preparations on the coliseum has been completed." Jade, Floyd's twin, and one of Azul's assistant, informed. He has teal hair, with a longer, darker grey strand framing his left side. His eyes have heterochromia iridum; his left eye is yellow, while his right eye is olive. He also has a blue earring on his left ear. "Players will make their entrance in ten minutes." He said.

"Jade, Floyd. Thank you for your hard work." Azul thanked both his assistants. "That goes for you too, Citron." He said.

"It was my pleasure, Azul-senpai." Citron, a first-year student who joined the same year as the other first-years, said. He has short Light Brown Hair, with Yellow Strands at the end. His eyes were Hazel. He is wearing a similar attire to both Jade and Floyd, but different. White Gloves, Black Blazer Jacket, Purple Vest, White Dress Shirt, Grey Scarf that has his Dorm Logo on it. He also has a fedora similar to them, but purple seashell on the bow, there was a lemon.

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