(19) Here's the Plan

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Leona thought back to what Nate called him. "Your Highness." "Ba-thump" "What am I gonna do with you, Little Fox?" He asked himself. His tail was wagging rapidly.


After the information Nate and Jack found out from Leona and Ruggie, not a lot can be done. Like Nate said without any proof telling the Headmaster will be useless.

Nate, Astro and Jack were in tehri class, as both Savanaclaw Residents informed Astro about Leona's plan. Though it's not much, the three knew one thing about it, Leona's is to somehow win by sabotaging other members from different dormitories, to give Savanaclaw an advantage. An unfair advantage.

After class, the three 1-B students saw a very interesting sight. Nate and Jack's upperclassman, Ruggie, was being chased by Yuu's squad. In the end, the four caught up to Ruggie, they knew something was up, but without any evidence, the four was at a lost.

After that, Ruggie left, leaving their stolen magic pens down. It was at that time, the three students decided to show themselves.

"Y'all still haven't learned your lesson?" Jack asked, crossing his arms, as him, Nate and Astro walked towards the Yuu Squad. 

"Huh! You should've helped instead of just watching." Ace said to Jack. "No offense to you, Nate. But your dorm is full of bastards like him." He said, looking towards Nate. Nate sweat-drops, still smiling a bit nervously. "None taken, but what you said was pretty obvious the first day I got there." He said.

"Why are you working so hard for other people's sake?" Jack asked the group.

"Other people's?" Ace questioned, confused.

"I understand wanting to get back at the culprit for the people who go hurt but..." Jack trailed off, not knowing the reason why the group is working so hard for other people. Which turns out to be false.

"Huh? What're you talking about?" Ace asked, more confused.

"Eh?" Jack said. "Huh?" Nate said. "What?" Astro said. The three of them were confused.

"Who said anything about doing this for other people's sake?" Ace questioned. "We just want to score points by catching the culprit." Deuce said.

Nate blinked a few times. "What?" He questioned. Yuu was at the side, he sighed exhausted. "Here we go again." He muttered, shaking his head a bit.

"Yeah yeah. Then get picked for the magical shift tournament. And show off for the whole world." Ace explained to the three. "I'm gonna catch that guy then be on the big screen!" Grim, who is currently on Yuu's shoulders, proclaimed. "I feel bad for Trey, but I'm gonna take his spot." Ace said.

Jack hmphed, his arms were uncrossed. "I can't trust guys who just do things for others but..." He trailed off. "You guys are worse than I thought." He said, smirking and crossing his arms again.

"Please don't tell me this is happening." Astro said, almost feeling a headache coming up. "Wait, wait, so all they're doing to catch Ruggie for, is so that they can get a play in the tournament?" Nate questioned, he looked over to his bestfriend. "Please, tell me this isn't the case." He said. Yuu sighed, exhausted. "As much as I want it to be the case, it's not." He said, shaking his head. He is already tired with all the shenanigans those three do on a daily basis.

"What. You're definitely worse than us. By the looks of it, you knew what was going on." Ace said, accusingly at Jack. "That Ruggie is the culprit." He stated. "Oh! Yeah. You knew that since you're in the same dorm you "wouldn't be targeted"?" Grim said.

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