(13) Challenging the Tyrant

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And he couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

⁎⁕*⁕⁎𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭⁎⁕*⁕⁎

It was now the next day, as Nate did his usual morning run with Jack, and after that they changed into their uniforms and head to class.

Class went by like a blur. Learning about things, that does not require magic yet. Talking with Jack and Astro. And Jack being happy when around Astro, but neither Nate nor Astro had a clue.

It was now break time, as Nate and Astro were at the cafeteria. Jack was also there, but he went to his table, after telling them that he'll meet them afterwards.

Nate and Astro went to their table, and Nate hands Astro the Mont Blanc that he made yesterday.

"What's this, Nate?" Astro asked, looking at the wrapped dessert, that is on his hand. "It's a Mont Blanc." Nate replied. "Me and my friends made some yesterday, and I made a few extras, so I thought, why not gave some of them to my other friends." He said.

"Wow! A Mont Blanc, I've never had one before. Thanks Nate, I'm gonna try it now." Astro said, he took a bite, and his eyes sparkles. "So good!" He said, while still eating. "Astro, please swallow your food, and don't speak when your mouth is full." Nate politely told him.

"Sorry." Astro said, and he swallowed what's left of the Mont Blanc in his mouth. "That was the best. I never knew you could bake, Nate." He said.

"I never really have baked before, but I guess it just came naturally to me." Nate said. It was true, being an ex-animal Nate didn't really have baked before, but when he learned how to bake the Mont Blanc, it just came naturally to him.

"Are you planning on doing anything after break?" Astro asked. "I'm planning on meeting with my friends. One of them was in trouble with his Dorm Leader, which resulted him not being able to use magic." Nate said.

Astro became tensed a bit. "This Dorm Leader, wouldn't happen to be Riddle Rosehearts, right?" He asked. "You're right." Nate replied. "Oh, boy. Your friend is in big trouble." Astro said.

"What do you mean?" Nate asked. "When I was on my way towards class, I saw that the some of Heartslabyul students, were collared." Astro said. "Which mean, Riddle-senpai has used his Unique Magic on them."

Nate's eyes widened. "Oh no." He said, as he stood up. "I have to go check up on them. The Unbirthday Party was today, and I think it might have already ended." He said, and was about to walk away.

"Wait!" Astro said, and Nate stops and look towards him. "Can I maybe, go with you?" He asked nervously. "I don't mind, but is there a reason?" Nate asked. "I just don't want to be at my dorm right now. Plus, I want to meet these other friends of yours." Astro said.

"Let's go then." Nate said, and they both begin walking away. "Do you have any idea, where they might be?" He asked Astro.

Astro hummed thinking. "Not really. But we can try the library first." He said. "The library it is." Nate said, and they went towards the library.

⁎⁕*⁕⁎𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭⁎⁕*⁕⁎

Nate and Astro had just entered the library looking around, and heard a familiar voice shouting. "HEY! YOU BOYS OVER THERE! BE QUIET IN THE LIBRARY!" Crowley shouted. "You're the loudest here." Grim said with a deadpan expression.

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