(12) Mont Blanc

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And that's how Nate and Leona's first meeting went, not so great.

⁎⁕*⁕⁎𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭⁎⁕*⁕⁎

After Leona and Ruggie had left, Grim release a breathe of relief. "Whew! I'm sweating bullets! Why would you hire someone so intimidating as a caretaker?!" Grim exclaimed.

"I don't think he's the caretaker..." Yuu said. "Definitely not. He's my Dorm Leader." Nate said. "Man, you have such a scary Dorm Leader!" Grim said.

"You should probably stay away from him." Yuu told Nate, worried about what Leona might do to Nate. "It's not like I can avoid him forever." Nate said. "He is my Dorm Leader, after all." He said, and sighs.

Just then, Ace and Deuce got to them. "We found a basket and some tongs over there!" Ace said, as he was holding the stuff. Deuce notice their expressions. "...Did something happen to you three?" He asked.

"Ah, that's right! The chestnuts! Our part of the tart will get smaller if we don't get a bunch." Grim said, as he remembers what they were here for. "We'll talk about our encounter with the caretaker while we work." He said.

"He's not the caretaker." Nate said, but was ignored, which doesn't surprise him, after all this is Grim.

The group begin picking the chestnuts with the tools they've gotten, as Grim told Ace and Deuce about the encounter with Leona and Ruggie. "...That's what happened." Grim said, after he finish telling the story.

"There is absolutely no way that was the caretaker." Ace said, after hearing the story. "That's what I've been saying." Nate said. "Thinking back now that I've calmed down, that guy was wearing a yellow vest, so he must be from that Banana Dorm." Grim said, forgetting the name of the dorm. "Banana... Does he mean Savanaclaw?" Deuce asked, as he sweat drops.

"It's Savanaclaw! Sa-va-na-claw! I literally just told you that he is my Dorm Leader!" Nate shouted at Grim, for mistaking his Dorm's name, and forgetting what he told him. "Eek! I'm sorry, alright! I was just so angry, that I forgot!" Grim exclaimed, a bit scared of Nate shouting.

"Is it just me or are there a lot of delinquents at Night Raven College...?" Deuce asked. "Now that you mention it, there is quite a lot." Nate said, agreeing with him.

"Alrighty, our chestnut pile is pretty big. Let's get them back to Trey-senpai!" Ace said, as the basket of chestnuts is full. "Nyaha! This tart is gonna be awesome." Grim said, excitedly.

⁎⁕*⁕⁎𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭⁎⁕*⁕⁎

After putting the tools back, the group got to the kitchen area, where Trey was waiting for them.

"Welcome back. I see you picked quite a bit." Trey said, as he saw the pile of chestnuts. "With this, we can make a huge tart!" Grim said enthusiastically.

"Thanks to that, peeling all of this is going to be a bit of a challenge, no doubt. Better get to work, you five." Trey said. "All of this..." Deuce said, looking at the pile of chestnuts. "There's no end in sight..." He said.

"It is to be expected when it comes to baking." Nate said. "Plus, with us bringing that much chestnuts, we need to put a lot of work into it." He said.

"Yeah yeah, we get it! I'm so ready to get this over with!" Ace said, already wanting this to end.

Everyone begin peeling the chestnuts. Nate, Trey, Deuce and Grim use their magic, while Yuu and Ace hand-peeled them. It was proving to be very tiring, especially for those who can't use magic.

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