(09) New Friends

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A/N: I did some changes to Nate. He's now in Class 1-B, and his Club is now Track and Fields.

⁎⁕*⁕⁎𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭⁎⁕*⁕⁎

Nate woke up early, looking outside his window he saw that the Sun had just risen. He woke up early not only because of the events that happened last night, but also because when he was still just an animal he usually wake up before Yuu did.

Nate got out of his bed, he stretched a bit and changed into his PE attire. Getting ready for his morning run.

Nate decided that since he's in a new school (and world) now, and that he also is half-human. He wanted to see what it's like to do 'human' things, as he's seen on TV. And morning runs is one of them.

Nate walks outside of his Dorm, and was surprised to see Jack awake early, in his PE attire and doing stretches. "Good morning, Jack." He greeted him.

Jack stops stretching, looks at him, surprised to see someone else woke up early. "Good morning." He greeted back. "What are you doing, waking up early? I'm surprised to see someone else waking up this early." He said.

"Well, you know. I don't usually wake up this early but, since I'm in NRC now, I wanted to try something new. New School, New Me. You know?" Nate said. It was a half-lie, he always wake up early, but he does wanna try something new, using the words he heard before on TV.

Jack nodded his head in agreement. "That's understandable." He said, and he continue stretching for a while. "What are you doing?" Nate asked Jack as he continue watching the wolf stretching.

"Stretching, so I can begin doing my morning runs." Jack replied.

"Me too!" Nate said enthusiastically. "Do you mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Do whatever you want." Jack said, and he stopped stretching. "Come on, let's start our morning run." He said.

Nate smiled. "You got it, Jack!" He said, and the both of them begin doing their morning run.

Without knowing it, Jack had already considered Nate his friend.

⁎⁕*⁕⁎𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭⁎⁕*⁕⁎

After Nate and Jack did their morning run, they head back into their dorm and took a quick shower, before changing into their uniforms. And began walking to their class.

When the both of them reached their class, the both of them sat next to each other, which was where their seats were.

Their First Class was Magical History, and their teacher was an old man who is well-built considering for his age, and with him was a cat.

"My name is Trien, and this is my familiar, Lucius. I'll be in charge of your history lessons." Their History Teacher, Trien introduces, from the front of the class. "In this class, you will learn about the history of magic, and how it brought prosperity to the world."

"Mrrrrooowww..." Lucius meowed.

Trien continue explaining about his class, while Nate asked Jack something.

"What's a familiar?" Nate asked, in a hushed toned, as his eyes was focused on Trien, but also listening to Jack's reply. Jack was also doing the same thing, as he answered Nate's question.

"Why the sudden question?" Jack asked. "Just curious about it." Nate replied.

Jack sighs. "Well to put it simply. Familiars are animals, companions to magicians and assist them with magic. They come in many different appearances, but the most common of them are the appearance of a cat and raven." He answered.

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