(21) The King's Frustration

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But Nate could see through it, what he saw behind his Leona's eyes were PAIN, FEAR and REGRET.


Nate and the other Savanaclaw Students cries out in pain, as Leona's magic burst through the entire stadium.

"W-what the hell? My nose is dry... and my eyes hurt!" Grim exclaimed, shielding his eyes from having sand get into them. "Everything Leona touches is turning into sand...!?" Jack stated, seeing some structures turning into sand. "Just what kind of magic is this?" Astro asked, shielding his face with his arms.

"This is my unique magic... "King's Roar"." Leona revealed, looking away from Nate and towards the others. "Ironic, isn't it? For a prince of the savannah, that hates droughts above all, to be born with this... Magic that dries out all and turns it into sand!"

Nate couldn't say anything, as he felt his mouth dries up. He was still able to cry out in pain, as he felt his right arm starting to crack.

Ruggie, who was sitting on the ground next to both Leona and Nate, his eyes widened seeing the fox's arm cracking. "Nate!" He exclaimed, worried.

Yuu's eyes widened, seeing the crack on Nate's arm. "Nate!" He exclaimed, worried. "Nate's arm is starting to crack!" Deuce exclaimed, seeing the crack on Nate's arm extending. "He can do that to people, too!?" Ace exclaimed.

"Leona, stop this immediately!" Riddle demanded.

[Off With Your Head!]

Riddle tries to use his Unique Magic on Leona, hoping that it'll stops the lion's Unique Magic.
As the collar was sent towards Leona, it bounces off.

"Ffgna!? Riddle's collar was repelled!" Grim exclaimed.

"You have talent but don't underestimate your elders." Leona said to Riddle, looking at him. "Unfortunately for you, I have good marks in defensive magic." He stated.

"Keh!" Riddle said, as he dodges the collar that was sent flying towards him, it disappears mid-air.

Leona laughs a bit maniacally, he looks at Nate, with some regret behind his eyes. He covers it by grinning. "How does it feel, Little Fox? I bet it hurts, huh. Your mouth feels parched from how dry it is, doesn't it?" He questioned, smugly, pulling Nate closer to him.

Leona turn his attention to Ruggie, who was still on the ground, unable to move du to the shock. "How're ya feeling, Ruggie? It hurts, doesn't it? Seeing the Little Fox pushed you away, and is now suffering?" He questioned, grinning, smugly.

Ruggie's eyes widened, he looks down at his feet, regretfully. Nate was the one who pushed him away, in doing so he now suffers from Leona's Unique Magic.

"This bad, Nate is in real trouble at this rate!" Jack stated. "We gotta do something!" Astro said.

"We can't let this continue!" Yuu stated.


The group had took out their Magic Pens, and send their attacks towards Leona. But Leona's Defensive Magic is too great, as it easily blocks and repels their attacks.

Everyone fears that their time is running out, as Nate's arm continues to crack, slowly.

"If you have that much power, why do things like this!?" Riddle questioned Leona, loudly.

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