(PS) Being Watched?

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A/N: Sometimes, I will make special chapters. These are based on the "Personal Stories" of certain cards/characters. But, with Nate added into it. These kind of chapters, can happen during anytime. Until I know when, we wouldn't know.

<𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂>

Savanaclaw: Leona, Nate, Ruggie
Pomefiore: Rook, Epel, Vil

Card: Rook SR - Labwear

Personal Story: It Sets My Hunter's Blood Afire

Happened After: (Unknown)
Happened Before: (Unknown)

Edited: ???

<𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂>

{Exterior Hallway}

It's a sunny day in Night Raven College. In the Exterior Hallway, Rook Hunt, Pomefiore's Vice Dorm Leader, is hidden behind the shadows of a pillar.

"Hmm hmm~" Rook hums to himself. A Pomefiore Student walks by and saw him. "Oya? What are you doing standing there hidden behind the shadows of that pillar, Vice Leader Hunt?" The student asked.

Rook turns to him. "Oh, good morning! Such fine weather today, don't you think? There's not a cloud in the sky. I figured it would be perfect for observing them." Rook said.

"Them? But there's nobody here but the two of us." The student said, as he looks around. "Them, you see. If you look just over there." Rook said. Rook pointed at the corner of the courtyard, the student follows it and saw Leona and Nate.

"Ah! The speck of someone over in the courtyard. Not only are your eyes a beautiful almond shape, but you have extraordinary vision!" The student said in admiration.

Leona yawns, and Nate was next to him lightly scolding him for yawning without covering his mouth.

"Ah, Roi du Léon. A striking presence truly befitting the king of all beasts. See how widely he yawns. Just as you'd expect of a carnivore, his perfectly formed canines are fully exposed." Rook said as he observes Leona.

"And, Monsieur Baker. Such elegance presence suited for the gentle fox. See how he's not afraid to scold the lion. As expected of the renard, who is special to the lion." Rook said as he observes Nate, who is lightly scolding Leona.

"To yawn so openly like that in front of others, he must be quite the savage." The student said, as it is considered rude to yawn in front of others. "You shouldn't get too close to Kingscholar." The student said.

"But why not? It's so rare I get the chance to meet such a strong, noble specimen of prey." Rook said, and continue to describe the capabilities of the canines. "Those sharp, keen fangs. The way they would sink into your throat and render you unable to move makes my heart tremble." Rook said.

"And what do you mean by the fox being special to him? Do you mean, they enjoy each others company?" The student asked, not knowing the relationship between Nate and Leona. "Yes, the king of all beasts and the gentle fox. Their bond is truly magnificent." Rook said, as he did some gestures.

Rook spotted someone. "Oya? And who is that approaching them from the other direction?" Rook questioned. Rook and the student look towards the direction and saw Epel who is reading his book, not paying attention.

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