(22) Show the World

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"King... I'll... be..." Leona said, and he fainted. At the same time, Nate also fainted, with Camden slowly floating down and stood next to him.


Nate suddenly gasped awake, he quickly sat up. He looks around confused, as he is in a white room. "Where..." He looks to the left. "...am I?" He looks to the right. No matter where he looks it's all the same.

Suddenly some parts of the room begins to shift. Suddenly Nate heard a familiar lion's voice.

"Ever since I was born, all I could ever see was an immovable rock in front of me." Leona said.

Nate saw Leona. The lion is sitting on the floor, his left leg resting entirely on the floor and his right leg is close to his chest, his right arm's elbow resting on his right leg's knee.

Leona is looking towards a vision or memory, that is currently all being played in black and white.

The vision changed into an area, where it looks to be a savanna. More specifically Sunset Savanna.

A palace located in the Sunset Savana.

In the palace's corridor, two servants could be seen gossiping.

A male servant sighed. "The first prince Falena is so bright and cheerful and yet... Why is his younger brother so hard to please..." He said.

The female servant added into the conversation. "On top of that, he can use magic that can change anything to sand. How frightening..." She said.

"Stop gossiping, both of you! What will you do if someone hears you?" A third servant appeared telling them.

Unaware to the servants Leona was just around the corner, hiding against the wall. He has heard everything the servants said about him.

The memory fades away.

"Had I been born first, I'm sure they'd sing a different tune." Leona said.
""His Highness Leona is so thoughtful and an extremely formidable wizard."
"Completely different from his carefree brother."
But because I wan born second instead everything I do gets nitpicked, they extol the first born at the expense of the second."
He stated. "No matter what I do, I'll never be first."

"I see... So that's why he acted the way he did..." Nate thought to himself, finding Leona's past to be a difficult one to experience. "All of those people expecting Leona to be the same as his brother, just because he is born second."

Another memory appears in front of them. This time being inside of a room, specifically Leona's.

"Leona! Why were you not present at the ceremony today?" Falena questioned. He is looking at Leona who was sitting by the window.

Leona had his left side facing Falena, while his right side is facing towards the window. Leona's left foot is on the floor, his right leg is on the window seat.

"Ceremony? Oh, the doting-parent-party you hosted so you could show your son off?" Leona questioned, not bothering to look at Falena, he continues looking out the window. "My apologies. It seems I fell back to sleep." He said without a care.

"It's an important day to show the people the face of their future king." Falena stated.

"It truly is an auspicious day It's the day the loathed second prince forever lost his claim to the throne." Leona said.

"Don't talk like that!" Falena demanded. But of course, Leon didn't stop there.

"The first born really has it easy." Leona said, he got off of the window seat and looks at his brother. Falena's expression show surprise. "Even if all you do is lazy about sleeping or singing all day, you can become king."

"Leona..." Falena sighed. "You are intelligent. Certainly there are things you can do for this country even though you can't become king."

"If becoming king was something achieved with intelligence I would have no shortage of motivation." Leona said. He begins walking away.

"Leona. Stop right there, Leona!" Falena said. Of course Leona didn't listen and walks out of the room.

The memory fades away, again.

"Why is that just because I was born a few years later I have to go through all of this?" Leona asked. "I can study everything, learn all the magic there is in this world... From the moment I was born until the day I die, I will never be seen as greater than my brother and I will never be king." He said.

"Why was I born as the second prince? Why will I forever be barred from being number one?" Leona questioned.
Life is unfair."

"It is true, that life can sometime be unfair..." Nate said, he slowly walked to the front of where Leona was sitting. All while, Leona watches the fox's movement with one eye.

Nate stops in front of Leona, looking at the lion. "Everyone had times when they thought of life being unfair. And it is true... But, how much we let it affect us is all on us." He stated. "You might not believe me, but I want to let you know, just because you're born second doesn't mean you'll never be number one." He said, truthfully.

Leona's eyes widened a bit at what Nate said.

"So... Let's show the world how just being born second, doesn't mean you'll never be umber one." Nate said, he outstretched his right arm towards Leona. "What do you say, your highness?" He asked, smiling.

Leona looks at Nate for a moment, noting how sincere the fox sounded. He looks down and chuckled. He smirked and looks back up at Nate. "Alright." He said, grabbing Nate's hand with his. He got up with the help of Nate. "I'll show the world that I can still be number one." He stated, smirking.

Nate's smile, widened.

For the first time in a while. Both Nate and Leona has a touching moment together.

I apologize for not updating this for a while.
I was struggling to find a way to write this and the next chapter.

Also, I apologize for making this one short.

I just don't want you guys to think I don't care about this book anymore.
I still do, but it's just getting harder and harder to write more custom stuff.

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