(10) The Other Dorms

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And with that their classes has ended with Nate, Jack and Astro becoming great friends.

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After classes has ended, Nate, Jack and Astro went to the cafeteria. And they went to grab their food.

"You guys wanna sit together?" Nate asked, while holding his tray of foods.

"Sorry, but I can't. I'm not use to eating with a lot of people around, so I'll just grab my food and head back to my dorm and eat." Astro said a bit apologetic.

"Okay then. Jack?" Nate asked, as he turns towards the white haired boy.

"Sorry, but I can't as well." Jack said, while holding his tray of food. "I'm gonna go sit with Ruggie-senpai." He said, pointing towards Ruggie who was sitting at a table.

"Oh, okay then. I'll just go look for Yuu and the others." Nate said.

"Sorry again, bye." Astro said, as he waves at them, and leaves the cafeteria.

"I'll be going now." Jack said, and walk towards the table, where Ruggie was sitting, with two trays of food, one is for himself, but the other they're not sure.

Suddenly the ghost working in the cafeteria calls for Jack, but he didn't heard him. Nate looks back at the him, and saw that Jack forgot his drink, so Nate grabs it from the ghost, and told him he'll bring it to Jack.

Nate begin walking towards the table where Jack and Ruggie were seated. "Hey, Jack." He called, gaining the attention of both Jack and Ruggie. "You forgot about your drink." He said, and place the drink in front of Jack.

"Oh, thanks. I knew I forgot about something." Jack said, as he rubs the back of his neck. "I didn't expect you to forgot something as important as food, Jack-kun." Ruggie teases, next to him.

"Good to see you again, Ruggie-senpai." Nate greeted, as he turns towards Ruggie. "Nice to see you too, Nate-kun." Ruggie greeted back. "How was sleeping at the dorm?" He asked.

Nate smiled. "I slept well. I don't even remember when was the last time I slept that well." He said. Other than the fact that the same night he was with the others fighting a monster. He was happy that he finally get to sleep on a comfortable bed, being the fact he's not a full animal anymore, and didn't share a bed.

Ruggie giggled. "It's the best feeling isn't it? Able to sleep in such a comfortable bed." He said. "It sure is." Nate agrees. "Oh, I should probably go find the others now, bye Ruggie-senpai, bye Jack." He waves at them, and leaves. "Bye." Ruggie and Jack said, as they wave at him, as he leaves.

"Now, where could the others be?" Nate muttered, as he looks around, while walking. What he didn't notice, was when he just left Ruggie and Jack's table, he walks by his dorm leader, Leona.

Leona was just walking towards the table where Ruggie was seated, with his tray of food. He yawned with his eyes closed, but then he stops in his tracks when he smells the familiar scent of Lavender and Rosemary.

Leona, whips his head around to see that the fennec-fox boy, Nate just passed him, and went towards a table where the other herbivores were. Leona looks at Nate for a bit, then resumed his way towards the table.

Leona, got to the table. And Jack spotted him, and greeted him, a bit loud. But not as loud as a certain light green-haired first year. "Leona-senpai!" Jack greeted, as he stood from his seat. "Geez, keep it down will ya." Leona said. "Leona-san, where were you? You just missed your chance of properly meeting Nate-kun." Ruggie said, with a sigh.

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