Babysitter and the festival - 7

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The sports festival is right around the corner and everyone is putting in extra time to train, even Izuku. Eraserhead's scarf has become his new favorite thing and he refuses to part with it. Naturally, this means he needs to learn how to use it to be able to properly copy his hero and Hitoshi is happy to help. As an aspiring underground hero and the secret son of Aizawa sensei, he has had lots of practice growing up using the scarf. Getting tangled up in the scarf and getting stuck dangling upside down like a spider is all part of the learning process. He is more than happy to teach his little brother the art of using the scarf and take him on as a mini apprentice.

Any time you see Hitoshi in the gym or at one of the training grounds with his scarf, Izuku is never too far behind. He becomes a bit of a mascot to class 1A as he cheers them all on and waves to anyone else he sees in the hallways too. His scarf is giant on him and often has some of it dragging behind him. When he isn't with Hitoshi, he is with his Zawa or Zashi. Everyone in the school knows by now that the boy was rescued by Aizawa sensei thanks to some of the girls love to gossip, including Midnight. It has also become well known that All Might is not trusted by the toddler and to do everything in their power to keep him away from Izuku.

   The formerly beloved number one hero has made a few attempts to talk to Izuku to apologize and majorly failed. He is no longer allowed to teach the teens on his own and is being forced to attend hour long sessions of HR training with Nezu to properly learn how to treat people of all ages, quirks, and personalities. His plans are foiled at the teacher's lounge as well as his loud footsteps alert everyone to his arrival and he gets greeted at the door by two angry glowing red eyes. Even Hound dog is liked by Izuku more than he is and cats are commonly known for not getting along well with dogs! He knows some cats love dogs but it would have been for the hero to know he isn't the only one the little one actively avoids. Yagi even tried to offer to watch Izuku while Shouta and Hizashi commentate but was denied before he could even finish his sentence.

   Iida Tensei also known as Ingenium ends up being the one to watch Izuku as a favor for his old classmates and good friends. He swaps shifts with a fellow hero, Native, who patrols in the same area as him. Getting to watch his little brother participate in the festival live is merely a plus. A meet up during dinner is scheduled the night before the festival and Tensei offers to bring takeout for dinner. A good way to gain both a cat and a kids trust is by providing food and the meet up goes well. Izuku loves the salmon sushi Tensei brings and it helps that Zawa, Zashi, and Toshi act comfortable around the man too. His new family and the cats approve so Izuku approves of Tensei too.

   When morning comes around and Tensei is back at the house, Izuku makes sure to tell the hero of his approval. He laughs when told he is better liked than his younger brother because he is quieter and promises to keep it a secret. Everyone says goodbye and gives Izuku a hug before walking out the door as he wishes them all luck. With a couple hours to spare before the festival begins, the two play a few rounds of go fish with a deck of hero cards while the cats lounge around. The tv plays quietly in the background with a random movie on as a clock countdown for when the sports festival will begin is shown in the corner of the screen. A loud alarm clock like noice goes off as the clock ends and the cards go away as Present Mic's voice fills the room as he announces that the festival is about to begin!

    "Put your hands up and cheer everybody because here comes our first year students!" Papa Zashi shouts as he starts with class 1A and ends with 1H as 1I through 1K are business students and not participating. Izuku is too scared to call Zashi papa to his face but his papa is doing awesome with dadzawa looking like a silly grump. The business students sounded pretty boring to Izuku so he simply focuses on looking for Toshi in the crowd of first years. He watches as blasty Kacchan tells everyone he is going to win and auntie Nem says the first challenge is an obstacle race! She even snaps her super cool whip as she says so and winks at the camera. Izuku tries to wink back and he can only do it with both eyes at once so it must count as a double wink!

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