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Chapter 30:

I sighed in slight relief at a chance to draw two more cards given to me by my draw.

"First I'll play my Pot of Greed Magic Card which allows me to draw two more cards!"

"Do what you will to prolong the inevitable, princess. Your soul is as good as mine!" He said laughing.

"Come on, give me what I need." I said bringing the first card to my eye level.

Dragon of Light and Darkness. I don't even recall putting this in my deck officially. However, I do remember getting it in a package from the creator of duel monsters himself a couple of days before all this shit happened. I had honestly forgotten about the strange arrival. Inside the box were a duel monster card and a sheet of paper with a personalized letter.

Ms. Magruda,

I hope this package finds you in good regard before chaos erupts. I have this inkling another piece of duel monster history is about to be unlocked. I will be sending your brother a separate package but this is just for you.

Although I do not know you personally, I know your brother Yugi and Kaibaboy very well. Your relationship with Kaiba is an odd occurrence but it just simply adorable in my eyes. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

I have enclosed a special, ultra-rare card. It is the Light and Darkness Dragon. It is a very powerful card and I find it fitting of your symbolism with Kaiba, you're two sides of the same dragon, you being the better half obviously! It is one of a kind and has traits that will come in handy if my thoughts are correct. It can be used even against the God cards themselves if played properly.

However, in all seriousness, I hope this card will aid you and make your already powerful deck stronger. I know you, like Kaibaboy, don't believe in ancient times and old magic, but I assure you this card will be of great importance in the future. Keep it on your person at all times if possible. Use it in a duel when the time seems right or in dire need.

Be careful, for I do not know how much longer, the world will be as we know. Stay close to Kaiba, he will do all he can to keep you safe.

My best regards,

Maximillian Pegasus.

The dragon was indeed strong at 2800 attack points and being categorized as a light monster, it fits well into my deck, but I haven't planned any strategies around it yet. I'll save that for later in case I need it. I tucked the card into my hand and looked at my second new card. Perfect.

"I play the magic card Scapegoats! This gives me four little friends to use for sacrifice or defense! I will sacrifice two to bring forth my old friend Bright Shining Fairy!" Now, I just need to figure out how to get rid of that ship. Otherwise, he'll just keep summoning another monster each time I destroy it without limit. I looked at my hand and saw nothing else that could bypass the ship. Oh well, I'll continue to pick at his life points.

"My fairy, destroy his ship!" The ship disappeared from play briefly before reappearing on the field. His life points dropped to 1200 with that attack and if I can make it one more turn, I will win this duel.

"Ah ah ah, foolish girl, by sending my ship the graveyard you allow me to use its ability again, so meet my zombie dragon two. It has a lot more attack points than its premature brother." It still wasn't enough to challenge my fairy though. But it would help if he had to sacrifice for an even stronger monster...

"I place one card face down and end my turn." Now, I wait and see what he has planned.

"I must say thank you for allowing me to use your favorite monster against you. I play the trap card, Convert Ghost! For the price of half my life points, I am able to seize control of one of the monsters and convert them to a ghostly form for two turns, so meet the Ghostly Fairy. My eyes widened as my beautiful fairy darkened to ghoul form.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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