Chapter Twelve: Combustion

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October 18th, 2015

A lone piece of red shimmering confetti falls down to the wooden floor as a large room is decorated for a long-awaited event. A young woman hurries to put a white tablecloth on the wooden table in the middle of the room while others prepare food and decorate the room.

"It's looking nice in here," Lyria says as she walks in, her blue eyes looking around the room. She smiles when she notices the red decorations. "Lots of red," she murmurs before Shaye walks in, "oh, hey...have you seen Dartanian at all? I wanted to ask him something."

Shaye smiles. "You'll see him later tonight. You and I have to get ready. The guests have started arriving, so we need to hurry," she tells the brunette who bites her lip.

" I really have to wear a red dress?"

"Yes, you're a Fire. It's either red...or black," Shaye reasons.

"I'll stick with red," Lyria says before looking at Shaye, "did they do this for you?"

"They've done it for everyone, although they didn't invite as many guests as they have for you. I think it's because you're so special," the taller girl says as they climb the stairs.

"Why am I so special?" Lyria asks, shrugging her shoulders as they reach the top of the stairs, "I'm an average sixteen year old," she says and Shaye smiles before taking a deep breath.

"You aren't average, Lyria, you're special. The fact that you lived as a human until now...without having a single clue about who you a miracle. It's unheard of," Shaye tells her, "and the fact that you've gotten this far in a short amount of time is..."

"Is what?"

"Incredible. I'm surprised you're still sane."

"So am I," Lyria admits before both girls laugh with each other, "alright, I'll get ready. Will you help me with my hair?"

Shaye smiles wide, her emerald eyes lighting up. "Of course. Let me know when you're done getting dressed."

Lyria nods before heading into her bedroom so she can dress. The dress she chose is laid out on her bed, a deep red that shines. She changes out of her casual clothes before pulling the dress on, then she goes to her mirror, seeing how she looks in it. She can't believe she has a shape, she thought of herself as looking like a little kid, but now she sees herself as a young woman.

"Wow," Lyria murmurs before smiling a bit, then she spins around and smiles wider as she stops. After she's done admiring herself, she pulls on some matching heels before deciding to head to Shaye's room.

When she gets to her new friend's door, she knocks twice. "Come in," Shaye calls and Lyria heads inside the room, shuts the door, then looks over at Shaye.

"I love your dress," Lyria says, "green looks good on you."

"And red looks good on you," Shaye says, smiling a bit as she places her pendant around her neck, "so, how would you like me to style your hair?"

Lyria shrugs before biting her lip. "Honestly, whatever you think will look good with this dress," she says and Shaye smiles before taking Lyria by her wrist and leading her over to the vanity.

"Sit here," Shaye says and Lyria sits down as she's told, "now, I think it should be something kind of like this." She shows Lyria a style and it makes the girls smile. "Think it's alright?"

"I think it's beautiful," Lyria answers before smiling at Shaye, "thank you for doing this."

Shaye smiles slightly as she works on the brunette's hair. "You don't have to thank me for this. I like doing things for other people," Shaye says.

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