Chapter Thirteen: Negative Charge

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Part Two


Noun; a glittering flash of light

October 19th, 2015

As the sun breaks through the morning clouds, a pair of blue eyes look towards it. The sun begins rising, and young Lyria wraps her arms around herself tighter. "Even in this world, I'm not normal," she whispers, her bedroom the only listener during the early morning. Her thumbs traces a black mark on her thigh and she takes a deep breath before sighing.

She eventually moves from her spot at the window and decides to change into a pair of pants, knowing the shorts would let everyone see this second Mark.

"Lightning," she murmurs when she looks at it one last time, then takes a long breath in before pulling some longer pajama pants on. After grabbing a hair tie, she pulls her hair into a long ponytail and glances at her reflection in the mirror.

She rubs her eyes before taking a deep breath. "What am I? I can't be two Elements...Dartanian even said it's not possible..." Lyria whispers before shaking her head to herself. A knock sounds on her door, causing her to jump from anxiousness. "Who is it?" She asks.

"It's Shaye," the brunette responds, "can I come in or would you rather be alone?"

Lyria bites her lip before sighing softly. "You can come in," Lyria says and Shaye enters, then shuts the door behind her before looking at Lyria.

"How was last night?" Shaye asks as she sits on the girl's bed.

Lyria smiles a bit before looking at the rose she'd placed in a vase last night. "It was really nice. I didn't know there were so many families...not until last night," Lyria murmurs, "what about you? Did you enjoy last night?"

Shaye takes a deep breath. "A little. I did meet a really nice Earth guy, he's our age...dresses nice. And he's actually quite sweet...his name is"

"The mountain," Lyria says, smiling at her friend, "what's he like?"

"Well...he's a good dancer, he lives in Portugal...he even has his own ship. He told me he has plants on his's kind of interesting. And we danced, talked...I saw you dancing with Dartanian..."

Lyria feels her cheeks warm up before she nods. "Yeah...he's a good dancer too. I didn't even know he could dance. I honestly thought he really only liked to fight, not dance..."

"He knows how to dance, doesn't mean he likes it," Shaye points out and Lyria laughs softly.

"You're right. We talked in the garden for a bit afterwards. It was nice, he picked that rose for me," Lyria admits and Shaye turns to look at the flower before smiling.

She turns back to Lyria and nods. "It's beautiful. I know you picked from my garden, and that's alright. I don't mind. Usually I would, but you're my friend. Can I ask what the two of you talked about?"

Lyria shrugs before smiling a little. "It wasn't really much of anything. We made plans to train this morning, but truthfully I'm really tired," she admits before sighing softly, "and...I feel I'm beginning to understand Dartanian better. He's hurting, but he pretends he isn't...and he's actually sweet although he pretends to act tough. Typical guy," Lyria says and the two girls laugh.

Shaye smiles a little. "Somewhat. He's not arrogant at least, doesn't pretend to know more or be better than anyone else. He's still a guy."

Lyria nods before taking a deep breath. "Yeah, that's true..." she murmurs, "do you think I could eat breakfast up here? I just need some time to myself right now."

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now