Chapter Nine: Inferno

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September 29th, 2015

Dartanian doesn't care much for parties, never has. But seeing Lyria happy about having one makes him smile. He's brought his suit out for the occasion. Almost all silver. He stares at it for a long time until a knock sounds at his door. "Come in," he says and the knob turns, revealing Lyria waiting behind the door.

She shuts the door and smiles a little as she walks over to Dartanian's bed. She notices the suit and stops short of his bed, then goes to the suit. Her camera hangs from her neck as she studies the outfit.

"This is nice," she murmurs before looking at Dartanian, "it matches your eyes."

He nods before looking at his hands. Lyria notices his change of behavior and moves to sit on the bed. "You've chosen a dress to wear?" He asks her and she smiles a little before nodding.

"Yeah. It's uh..."

"Red," he finishes for her, "or black?" He asks her and she smiles.

"It's red," she confirms for him before nodding and smiling at him, "Can I take your picture? I just...I'd like someone or something to photograph," she admits and he smiles a little before taking her hand in his.

"Let me take you somewhere," he says and she blinks before attempting to answer, "you'll like it, I promise," he assures her and she smiles a little before nodding.

"Okay," she murmurs and he smiles before showing her out of his room and down the stairs.

They head outside and he takes her into the woods. "Dartanian...where are you taking me?" She asks as he smiles, leading her through the woods. When they reach their destination, Lyria gasps, her blue eyes widening as she looks around. "Oh's beautiful," she says as she stares at the scene before her.

A small waterfall ran over some large, stacked rocks into a small pool of water. There was a stream attached, which let the water run out. The scene made Lyria smile.

"Purgatory Falls," Dartanian murmurs as they stare at it.

"Why's it called that?" She asks him and he winks at her.

"That's an Elemental name," he tells her, "it's just what we call it. Not many humans know about this place. But I wanted to show you because I knew you'd like to...take pictures of it. So, take as many as you'd like," he tells her and she smiles before decidedly taking several pictures of the beautiful scenery before her.

Dartanian smiles as the brunette takes as many pictures as she wants, happy that she's happy. Then she turns and starts taking pictures of him. He smiles a little and shakes his head. "Lyria, I took you here for that," he says as he points to the small waterfall. She smiles before taking another picture of him.

"Well, I like to have people in my photos too," she reminds him, "stand right there. Yeah and just act like you would normally. As if I wasn't taking pictures," Lyria tells him and he takes a deep breath before nodding.

She smiles as he visibly relaxes, his shoulders dropping slightly as he exhales. She takes multiple pictures of him before she allows him to hold her camera. "Here, now it's time for you to get some payback," she says and he chuckles before she shows him how to work it.

She sits down on a rock and allows him to take some pictures of her. "I might've broken it," he tells her and she laughs before standing and walking up to him. She takes it and fixes the problem, finding he'd hit the wrong button.

"Just don't hit that button again. Only touch this one," she instructs before going to sit down again.

He only takes a few pictures before deciding to sit with her. "How are you doing?" He asks her and she smiles before answering him.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now