Chapter Twenty-Two: Static Electricity

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December 18th, 2015

The snow fell quietly through the air towards the ground. Everything was covered by the flakes; the grass, trees, and the old mansion at the end of the long driveway. A young girl steps out of the rental car, an older man following. The young teen gently pushes her white hair behind her ears before she gazes at the building. The older man ushers her forward and she does as he asks. They head towards the front door together and the older man knocks twice.

The young girl opens up her hand as snowflakes float down into her palm. She smiles a little as she studies the shapes of the snowflakes. Instead of the snowflakes melting, they keep their shape.

"Nieva, Atlas, welcome."

Nieva turns her attention to the woman standing before them. "Hello Delilah, thank you for inviting us here."

"It was the Wright's who insisted on you coming here. Come in," Delilah says before stepping aside to allow the two inside. Delilah shuts the door and shows the two to the den, encouraging them to sit.

Nieva settles in a chair before she looks over at Atlas. "Father, you didn't need to accompany me. I'm capable of doing this myself," she states as she crosses one leg over the other, "I'm old enough."

"You're sixteen Nieva. You still need an escort while traveling. Especially while going to meet a prospective husband," Atlas reminds her and she sighs softly before nodding in understanding, "Nieva, you're my only daughter. I have to make sure you find a good husband."

"An Ice Elemental," she murmurs and Atlas nods, "I could've found him myself."

Delilah returns, and the two stand as Bastion steps into the room. "Bastion Wright, meet Nieva Pruitt," Delilah introduces the teens and Bastion smiles slightly as he strides towards Nieva.

Nieva smiles a little before bowing her head slightly, then she looks up at Bastion once again. "It's lovely to meet you," Nieva says softly.

"It's great to meet you as well," Bastion says as he holds out his hand. Nieva cautiously takes it and Bastion brings her hand to his lips to press a kiss to it. "May we have the room?" Bastion asks the two adults, and they comply, both leaving the younger two alone.

Nieva releases a long breath before her eyes focus on Bastion. "Bastion-"

"I'd like to get to know you," he tells her quickly and she searches his face before nodding.

"Alright. What would you like to know?" Nieva says.

Bastion gestures for her to sit down and she does. "Anything."

It wasn't a surprise to see another Ice Elemental entering the house. Shaye only saw a glimpse. She's pretty; ice blue eyes, long and straight white hair, pale skin and a warm smile. Shaye knew what this meant, but she decided to let Bastion announce things in his own time.

"Shaye!" The teen looks up as Ezra runs inside her room. "Shaye, I had a nightmare."

The girl smiles as she brings him into her arms. "It's alright Ez," she murmurs, "come on over here and sit," she insists as she leads him to her bed. The pair sit together as Ezra sniffles, some tears falling down his cheeks. "What happened in your nightmare?" She asks as she gently runs her fingers through his golden hair.

He sniffles before releasing a small sob. "Mom and dad...they died. I want them back," he says and Shaye takes a deep breath before she brings him closer.

"I know you do buddy," she murmurs, "I want my parents back too. But you know they can't come back. We can only remember them. What they were like, how they tucked you into bed or how they smiled at you," Shaye murmurs, "is that what happened in your nightmare?"

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