Chapter Twenty-Six: Draft

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December 29th, 2015

Avebury, United Kingdom

"Mum, Dad, you didn't have to do that, honestly. I'm just barely seventeen weeks," Indigo insists as her father places a cot in the corner of her bedroom, "the baby isn't due until at least the end of May. You didn't have to do this now," she tells them.

"My darling, babies come whenever they want. And you need to be prepared for when this baby comes. It's your first after all," her mother reminds her and Indigo sighs before smiling at her parents.

She pushes her light brown hair behind her ear before resting her hand on her rounded belly. "I cannot begin to thank either of you enough. You didn't have to help me, but yet, here you are..."

"Oh, my darling...we'd never abandon you. You fell for someone. And you are carrying our grandchild. We aren't going to leave you out in the bitter cold. You're our only daughter, and the De Loughrey's have always taken care of each other," Fiona murmurs as she takes her daughter's hands in hers, "and this babe...he or she will be so incredibly loved by all of us. And if you want to go back to the Council after they're born-"

"Mum, if I'm being honest...I'm not sure I want to. I have to keep my son a secret for as long as I can. And seeing Dilan...I can't..." she murmurs softly before sighing, "and...there's something I've got for the two of you."

She steps away from her mother and heads over to her white vanity. She opens a drawer and retrieves an envelope. Indigo smiles before approaching her parents and handing the envelope to her mother.

"What is it?"

"Please open it mum," Indigo says, smiling at her parents wide before her mother tears the envelope open.

"Oh my...these are sonogram pictures."

Indigo nods with a smile on her face. "I went to my doctor the other day and I found out..." she trails off as she leans close and points to one of the pictures.

Her father smiles. "How wonderful, a boy!" He exclaims and Indigo laughs softly at her father's reaction. "He's going to be very spoiled by this family."

"I will make sure of that! This is our first grandchild, and it's a boy as well. He's going to be terribly spoiled," Fiona says and Indigo smiles at her parents before the three share a long embrace.

"You're going to be a wonderful mum, my darling," her father says and Indigo smiles before sniffling a bit.

"Thank you, the both of you. I'm so grateful for everything," she murmurs, "I can't believe how lucky I am, how lucky we are. And, I want you to spoil him rotten, he deserves it," she tells them, smiling as she sniffles softly, "and...I know keeping him secret isn't feasible, I have to," she murmurs, "to keep him, Dilan and our family safe."

Fiona smiles at her daughter before gently squeezing her hands. "We understand. You're doing what you believe is right and we'll stand by you no matter what happens," Fiona assures Indigo who smiles at her mother, "the Council will come after you once they find out, but we won't let them hurt either of you."

Indigo smiles softly before nodding. "I know you won't, mum. I trust in the both of you," she murmurs before the doorbell buzzes, long and drawn out, "I'll get it."

"Sweetheart, you should sit down, relax. And you need to mind yourself. Your father will answer it. Howard, get the door," Fiona insists and her husband leaves the two women alone, "now, sit down and rest your feet. They've swelled to be twice their size."

Indigo carefully sits in a rocking chair before running her hands over her stomach. "I've been trying to think of a name for him...but none have come to mind. Do you have an opinion?" She asks as her mother settles down on Indigo's bed.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now