Chapter Twenty-Four: Whirlwind

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Part Three


The name of The West Wind

December 25th, 2015

A fist frantically knocks on a white wooden door. Dartanian groans in response before another series of knocks sounds. "Alright, I'm coming," he mutters before pulling himself up in bed. He heads over to the door and opens it to find Lyria there. "Merry Christmas?"

"No," she says as she shakes her head, "look," she insists as she holds out her left arm.

Dartanian looks over her arm until seeing what she's referring to. "By the elements, get in here before someone sees," he whispers to her and she runs into the room before he shuts the door, "when did this happen?"

"I don't know. Sometime last night or this morning...but what am I supposed to do now? I've got another-"

Dartanian shushes her. "We live in a house full of Sound Elementals. They can hear you at every turn. Whisper," he murmurs softly and she nods as she takes a deep breath, "I don't know how you'll hide this one..."

"Makeup will cover it, I'm not worried about that. But if someone does see it..."

"If Delilah sees it...I'm not sure what she'll do. But for now just focus on getting through this one day at a time," he tells her, "we'll figure this out, I know it."

Lyria nods before biting her bottom lip. "Dartanian, I'm afraid. What if the Elemental Council believes I'm a threat or-"

"Whoa, wait, we haven't gotten that far yet," he reminds her, "don't think about this for now. Tomorrow, we'll continue our training and research, alright?" He says and she nods before smiling slightly.

"Yeah, thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, go cover that with makeup and make sure it's covered completely."

"You underestimate makeup. That's why they make full coverage concealer," she tells him and he chuckles before he pushes his hair out of his eyes, "um, you think you could put a shirt on?"

Dartanian smirks before winking at her. "My upper body is too distracting, isn't it?"

Lyria laughs a little as he goes to find a shirt. "It's not distracting..." she says, although it's not convincing.

"Sure it isn't," he murmurs as he sits on his bed once again, "don't worry, I won't tell anyone," he murmurs and she rolls her eyes before smiling at him.

"Thank you...for helping me and being my friend through all of this. I' nervous, terrified. You're the only one I can trust with this. As of right now," she murmurs before smiling softly. Dartanian smiles gently before he reaches up to push her hair behind her ear.

"I'm honored to be trusted by you," he murmurs, "go get ready. I'll see you in a few minutes."

Lyria smiles before moving off the bed and heads out of Dartanian's bedroom. She heads back to her own room so she can get ready. She shuts her door before going to find some makeup in order to cover up the new mark on her skin.

"Air," she murmurs before she looks up at herself in the mirror, "why is this happening to me?" She asks softly.

Lyria meets up with Dartanian in the kitchen. She smiles at him before glancing over at Nieva and Shaye sitting together at the table. She gestures towards them and Dartanian shrugs before smiling slightly towards her. Lyria sits beside Dartanian and smiles at him before she begins stirring her tea.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now