Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ventilation

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January 11th, 2016

"You can play the violin?"

"I can also play the harp, guitar, piano...any instrument that's placed in my hands I can play. Although, stringed instruments are my favorite," Erika admits as she walks alongside her daughter.

"If you had to choose an instrument to be your favorite..."

"No question, the harp. It has a rather hauntingly beautiful sound. I played it at a few parties, one of them being my own. I played it for everyone, and I saw your father watching me. He watched me the entire time."

Lyria smiles a little as she plays with her hair. "He did?"

"Yes. He told me so afterwards. Your father was a blunt man. Much like you. He always gave straightforward answers for everything. He never lied," she murmurs, "it was refreshing."

"Do you still love him?"

"Yes, and I always will. He was my husband, the only person I've ever loved," the woman murmurs as she glances at her daughter, "he loved you. Any chance he could get to hold you, he'd take it. He was a wonderful father to you," she assures Lyria who smiles a little, "he had these beautiful blue sapphires. Just like yours. You look very similar to him."

"I do?"

Erika nods, a gentle smile on her face. "Yes. When I saw you for the first time, I knew you were my daughter because of your eyes. They're Pierce's," she murmurs before reaching out to touch some of Lyria's stray hairs. Lyria bites her lip before she pushes her brown hair out of her face. "I'm sorry. I know how nervous you feel around me and you have every right to feel this way," she murmurs, "I hope with time we'll be able to have a proper mother-daughter relationship."

Lyria nods. "I think we can. It's...I'm not used to you and we don't know enough about one another yet," she says softly and Erika nods in agreement.

"You're right. I've been talking about myself for most of the day. I'd like to talk about you. I see you have a camera necklace...what does that mean to you?" Erika asks and Lyria smiles wider.

"I love photography," she admits, "more than anything in the world. Even food."

Erika laughs softly before nodding. "I see. What kind of things do you photograph?"

"Anything. People, nature...especially sunsets and sunrises," she admits softly.

Erika hums before smiling softly. "You have your father's and my artistic streak. We were both rebels in our world. And it seems you are too," she murmurs, "I'm hoping things like that are more accepted now..."

Lyria shrugs. "Not really. Oh...I wanted to know what my name means," she says, "who picked it out?"

"The both of us did. Ellyria...she was one of the first Fire Elementals. The first Crimson Fire Elemental."

"So she's our ancestor...that's pretty interesting," Lyria murmurs, "but my middle name...Paris? The City of Love?"

Erika smiles. "Pierce suggested that for your middle name because we met in Paris. That's where my family lived at the time. My father is French and my mother is English," she explains softly, "they met in the mid-sixties. And they loved each other."

"Are they still alive?"

"Oh yes. Very much so. They just...haven't been in contact for a long time."


"Because I was desperately looking for you. I haven't spoken to many souls in the past decade," she admits, "I've been trying to find you."

Lyria nods before taking a deep breath. "Well, you have."

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now