Chapter Two: Ignite

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September 16th, 2015

Lyria decides to forget about what happened, choosing to believe it wasn't real instead. "Why were you so quiet yesterday?" Sophia asks, her hazel eyes focusing on Lyria's hand as she draws a small symbol beside her notes. Lyria shrugs before answering her friend, trying to find the proper words.

"Just nervous about the test tomorrow," she lies, all though Sophia can see right through her, she doesn't argue.

"Okay..." Sophia leaves the sentence unfinished and Lyria ignores her friend's attempt to continue the conversation. Sophia smiles as a boy joins them and nudges his arm. "Took you long enough."

"Hey, I was towards the back of the line," he points out to her and Sophia just rolls her eyes, "how's it going Lyria?" He asks her and she smiles a little before answering him.

"Good, how about you...Christian?" She asks, emphasizing his full name in order to get a reaction from him.

He sighs before smiling a little. "The same. I can't wait for soccer season to start again," he mutters and she smiles at that. Christian has always been good at soccer. He's a star on their school's team. He also attracts most of the girls in their class, and some sophomores and freshmen as well.

"I can't wait to be on the yearbook committee again," Lyria murmurs and Sophia laughs.

"You already are, Lyria," Sophia says, making the brunette scowl playfully.

"I know...I just like to put the pictures together," she says, defending herself as to why she likes the yearbook committee, "I just like the ending part of our yearbook committee."

They continue to talk, although Lyria barely concentrates on the conversation itself. She can't keep her eyes off the group of kids in the corner of the cafeteria. The ones with strange eyes. The four of them stand and she keeps her eyes down as they come towards her and her friends.

"So, Lyria, are you excited for your sixteenth birthday?" Sophia asks and Lyria bites her lip, not knowing how to answer.

"I don't know. I mean, it's just another birthday right?" She reasons.

She notices how the raven-haired boy glances at her, long enough to make her uncomfortable. She looks away from him and touches her necklace, holding the pendant in her hand. "What's with those guys?" Christian asks as they pass, the moment seeming to have lasted forever. The brunette shrugs before putting her earbuds in again. She attempts to concentrate on her music, though she can't get her mind off the raven-haired boy staring at her.

When the bell rings, she follows her friends out of the cafeteria. They head to their last class of the day. Lyria is happy to have art class as her last class, but that boy is in it with her. When she steps into the classroom, she takes her earbuds out and places them in her bag.

She sits by herself and is happy enough to work on one of her other art projects. The raven-haired boy glances her way before coming to sit across from her. "You're talented," he says and Lyria continues to stare at her drawing, "I'm not going to hurt you, Lyria. I was just wondering about your birthday."

Her blue eyes look up at that, meeting his silver gaze questioningly. "And why do you care about that?" She asks him, an eyebrow quirked. He looks her over before staring at her chest. She gives him a steely look before pulling her sweater around her.

"Where did you get that?" He asks her, sounding serious all of a sudden. "Your necklace, where did you get it?" He asks again and she holds it in her hand, as if to protect it.

"I'm not telling you that. Why are you so interested in my birthday?" She asks him and he sighs before shaking his head.

"Forget it. It's not my business anyways," he murmurs, "but that pendant..."

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now