Chapter Eighteen: Overcharged

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November 26th, 2015

Fleur sighs softly as she heads downstairs to greet the three men her mother flew in. They're from different regions, different countries. Adagio is from France, Micah is from California and Zimri is from Israel. All three seem like nice men, but Fleur isn't truly interested in them.

"Hello Fleur," Adagio says and Fleur smiles respectfully towards him.

"Hello, to all three of you. I'm sorry my mother dragged you here for this...I'm sure it's an inconvenience..."

Adagio shakes his head. "Not at all."

"You're quite the talker," Fleur says and the two other men snicker and laugh at him, "and it seems the other two are quiet, but enjoy taking pleasure in others' misery or pain. Or am I wrong?"

Zimri shakes his head, his eyes trained on Fleur. "No, but I do think he's quick to respond. He should let you speak," he says and Fleur nods.

"Thank you. Now, tonight I will choose someone to eat dinner with, considering it's Harvest Day. Micah, you haven't spoken yet. I think I'll have you as my date tonight," she says and Micah smiles before nodding once. He holds out his arm to her and she takes it, then walks into the dining hall with him. The other two follow behind and find places to sit. At the other end of the table. Delilah smiles at her daughter as she sits with Micah, and Fleur glares at her before looking at her friends.

Lyria offers Fleur a sympathetic smile, and Shaye nods before offering a smile. "Happy Harvest Day everyone," Delilah says, "I'd like to welcome Micah, Zimri and Adagio to the Chester Residence. And, they will be staying with us for the next several months, so welcome."

Everyone at the table welcomes the three men before they begin to serve themselves and eat. "How long have you been living at this Residence?" Micah asks.

"Since July, after Shaye was Marked," Fleur tells him before smiling a bit, "then my birthday came. Luckily we hadn't started school yet."

Micah hums before nodding. "That's lucky," he murmurs and Fleur nods before beginning to eat.

Lyria nudges Shaye and they glance over at Fleur, noticing how uncomfortable she looks. "I can't imagine how she feels," Lyria whispers and Shaye nods.

"Neither can I..." Shaye trails off before glancing at Bastion briefly.

She pushes her hair back and looks at Lyria once again. Lyria takes a deep breath before biting her lip. "It isn't truly any of us."

"No, it's not. But it's something we're going to have to deal with," Shaye murmurs.

After dinner, Lyria watches as Fleur and Micah head into the greenhouse, and Shaye comes to stand beside her. "They're going to get to know each other," Shaye says softly and Lyria nods in response.

"I hope she does the right thing, for herself only, not because others want that for her," Lyria murmurs before sighing softly, then she flinches when someone touches her shoulder.

"It's just me," Dartanian says softly and Lyria sighs softly, "Fleur will choose one of them, or she won't. It's up to her. Lyria..."

"I know. I'd like to get back to researching though, we need to find out what's going on. Maybe there's a cure for the sickness that causes us to become...Rogues," Lyria says and Dartanian nods in agreement before the brunette begins to head towards the library.

"Wait, you're still in your dress-"

"So? There's no time to waste," she insists and Dartanian smiles fondly as she continues to the library. Shaye nudges his arm and he looks at her before she raises an eyebrow.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now