Chapter Thirty: Thermosphere

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January 15th, 2016

A pair of feet walk over cold stone pavement, vines turning green once again, flowers blooming with their color returning.

Shaye stretches her arms out before yawning loudly. "Well, good morning," she says as she glances around the greenhouse, "I'm sorry you guys have been neglected. But you know the story by now," she murmurs, her emerald eyes focusing on one plant.

She gently brushes her fingers over the leaves on the plant, smiling as the brown retreats and it returns to a deep green. "There we go," she whispers before taking a deep breath.

A knock sounds on the greenhouse door and she turns her head as Ezra enters. "Shaye?"

"Yeah buddy, what's up?"

"Breakfast is ready. Erika made it," he tells her and she smiles at him.

"Thanks for telling me," she says as she approaches him, "come on, let's get something to eat." She takes his hand before they head inside, and sit down at the table together.

"Good morning everyone," Erika says, and Shaye smiles slightly towards her.

As everyone is serving themselves, Shaye's eyes catch part of a black mark on Lyria's wrist. Her eyes widen and she looks at Lyria, bewildered by what she's seen. The blue-eyed teen blinks a few times before her eyes widen and she immediately covers her wrist, hiding it from view.

"You have another mark?" Shaye asks her quietly.

"Yes, but Shaye..."

"I'm sorry, you have a second mark?" Fleur asks. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because we were trying to figure out what it means. There's something wrong with me and I wanted to figure it out before anyone else found out," Lyria reasons, "and...this is my third one," she admits quietly, "the second one I got is on my thigh."

"By the Elements..." Fleur mutters, "how long have you-"

"I got this one a few weeks ago, and the second one, a few weeks before that," she admits quietly as Dartanian rests a hand on her shoulder, then brings her closer to him, "I told Dartanian because..."

"We know why you told him," Shaye murmurs, "shouldn't we tell Bastion?"

"Mister Goody-Two-Shoes? I don't think so," Fleur says and Shaye sighs softly before nodding in agreement.

"You're right. need to be taught about these elements. No two elements are the same," she reasons as she watches Lyria.

The girl nods. "I know. I've been practicing," she admits, a small smile on her lips, "Dartanian has been much as he can, anyways. I've been covering it up with makeup. The other one is easier to hide with clothing," she murmurs before rubbing her face, "I...I've been afraid of others finding out. Please don't tell Delilah mother. I'm not sure if I can trust anyone else with this just yet. I trust you guys," she murmurs and Shaye nods before smiling at her friend.

"We won't tell anyone," Shaye assures her, "and we'll help you figure this out."

Lyria nods before she hugs Shaye. "Thank you," she whispers as Fleur approaches her. She offers Lyria a smile before also giving her a hug.

"We'll help you as best we can. What's this mark?" Fleur asks and Lyria shows them. "Oh, Air. Logan could help you..."

"No," Lyria insists, "the less people know, the better."

Fleur nods in understanding. "Alright. But if you feel you need help...I'll contact him."

"Your mother hears everything, how-"

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now