Chapter Twenty: Voltage

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December 9th, 2015

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

"Today, we're convening to discuss your decision to leave. Is that correct Miss De Loughrey?"

Indigo smiles softly before nodding. "Yes. You may appoint someone else for my position," she informs them as she glances around the room.

"If someone here is making you feel as though you should leave, you can speak to me about it," Aria Llosgi assures the younger woman who simply offers a smile before shaking her head.

"It's nothing like that. I simply wish my family. I will be returning to my home in Avebury where I will be helping my parents and caring for them," she informs them as she reaches up to touch her family pendant.

Aria nods before looking around at the other council members. "We understand," Aria says softly, "so you're aware, your spot will be here if you'd ever wish to return."

Indigo nods respectfully before smiling at the seven other council members. "Thank you for this opportunity, I appreciate it," she tells them before standing and turning to leave the room, her yellow dress trailing after her. She exits the room and sighs softly before running her hand over her dress, her fingers stopping over her stomach. She swallows thickly before shaking her head. "A new adventure awaits," she whispers softly before looking around cautiously, then walks alone down a long, echoing hallway.


"Hello dad," she murmurs before smiling, "hi mum."

"How are you feeling darling? I know how I felt during my first trimester-"

"Mum, not so loud...please. Let's go home, shall we?" Indigo insists and her parents agree. The young woman glances at the castle one last time, her golden eyes reflecting the large structure. "I didn't tell Dilan. He can't know," Indigo murmurs before her father starts the car.

Indigo's mother smiles softly. "Either way, we're going to have a grandchild, finally. And I can't wait to spoil them rotten!"

Indigo smiles softly before nodding, sniffling a little before closing her eyes. "Thank you mum, and dad. I wouldn't be able to do this without you..."

"Yes, you would. You're a De Loughrey. And more importantly, you've shown incredible strength. You held your own within that council for the time being. And I'm proud of you for it, we are proud of you," Mr. De Loughrey says and Indigo smiles in the rearview mirror at her father.

"Thank you."

Delilah enters her study and opens a letter addressed to her. "Oh...well it seems Indigo couldn't cut it with the council," she announces as her husband enters the room, "I just received notice that she's left."

"Maybe it was for a reason other than being bullied by the other council members," Ellis says as he sits across from his wife.


"Del...listen, sometimes things aren't always black and white. There's gray, lots of gray. And maybe there's another reason as to why she left," Ellis says, "maybe she's found someone to marry...or there's family matters she's attending to. We don't know. So before you assume things once again, you should think about it."

Delilah watches her husband for a moment before nodding. "You know Ellis, the only reason as to why we married was to have another Sound Elemental come into the world. We did our jobs. You're not the head of this Residence, I am," she reminds him, "don't make me say it again."

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