Chapter Seventeen: Electrified

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November 14th, 2015

"Dartanian, I'm going to set things on fire again," Lyria insists as they head into the kitchen, "if we have to buy another coffee machine, it'll be your fault," she tells him and he chuckles in response, "I'm serious."

He nods. "Understood. Just try. But don't concentrate so hard. Just let the feeling come to you," he instructs and she sighs softly before nodding. Lyria closes her eyes before taking a breath in, then releases it slowly.

She reopens her eyes before venturing closer to the teapot, holding out her right hand as she feels her element come bubbling up to the surface. She takes another breath, then smiles as she hears the beginning of water boiling within the teapot. Dartanian smiles gently before moving to Lyria's side.

"See? You did it. It just takes practice," he reminds her and she smiles before rolling her eyes playfully at him, "would you like to take a break?"

She nods. "We've been at this for the past week. I think I've got it now," she says before looking at her hands, "if I get sick...would you be the one to stop me?" She asks him suddenly and he looks at her in shock.

"You mean, if you start hurting others, going Rogue?" Dartanian asks and she nods before crossing her arms over her chest. "That won't happen to you."

"It's possible though, isn't it?"

"Possible, but not probable. Lyria, it happens to men more than it does women. You're less likely to have it happen," he assures her and she nods before reaching up to play with her hair.

"I know, but if it happens, would you stop me?" She asks him and he searches her face before nodding.

"If that's what you want, then yes," he assures her before smiling gently, "Lyria, I think you're going to do some great things for our people. That's something I believe," he tells her, "you'll change things, in a good way."

She smiles slightly. "Thanks," she murmurs as she curls her brown hair around her pointer finger, "Dartanian, your parents...what are their names?" She asks him and he sighs softly. "I'm sorry...I-"

"No, it's alright," he assures her, "Nicholas and Delphine are their names. Then they had Lance, and me," he murmurs, smiling slightly, "I don't know much about my parents other than they loved each other and got married young. They're also the same age, they'd be...forty-one now, I believe," he tells her and she smiles gently before nodding.

"Do you miss them?" She asks softly and he nods.

"Yeah, I do," he admits, "even though I still don't understand why they left, I miss them."

Lyria nods in understanding before exhaling softly. "I miss my parents, my adoptive ones. They were kind people," she says softly, "they were good people too. Took care of me my whole life..." she trails off before biting her lip, "if I continue..."

"I understand," Dartanian murmurs as he studies the brunette. He swallows thickly before rubbing his eyes, sighing softly before shaking his head.

Lyria turns her head up to Dartanian's and smiles softly. "Thank you," she whispers and he nods.

"You're welcome," he responds before Fleur walks into the kitchen, "good morning."

She sighs before shrugging. "Morning. Wouldn't say it's a good one though," she answers, "my mother is bringing in three guys for me. They can court me. And I'll have to choose one to marry," she mutters.

"Already?" Lyria asks. "You're only sixteen!"

"The person I choose, we won't be married until we're both eighteen, anyway. But...yes, it's incredibly fast," Fleur murmurs as she pushes her two-tone hair out of her eyes, "I'm not sure I want to do this," she murmurs, "I want to wait, but my mother doesn't want me to."

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now