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Lyria is your typical teenager. She goes to school, hangs out with her friends and has an after school job. She thinks she's normal until she accidentally sets her house on fire. She's subsequently rescued and taken in by others like her, Elementals.

Dartanian has always known what he is. He can control metal. Then he happens upon a girl who has no idea what she is. But he does. One of the last Crimson's.

When Lyria receives a second Elemental mark, she begins to think there's something bigger happening. And she's right. As she begins to delve further into her new world, she finds out it's not as rosy and picture-perfect as it seems. Dartanian tries to help her conceal the fact she's received a second mark, and together they try to find out what Lyria's becoming.


I've been working on this story since I was sixteen. Writing and re-writing it over and over. This is the best version and the one I truly love...hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now