Chapter Ten: Flare-Up

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September 30th, 2015

Dartanian didn't like the fact that his newfound friend had to duel others like her, since she's not used to their world. But he has to watch and assess how she does. Before anyone else enters the room, he gives her a short speech. "You can't show anyone else this," he tells her as he stares at her palms, how they held a small blue flame in them. She closes her hands and the fire goes out. "Just concentrate and remember to use the orange flame, which is actually normal for Fire Elementals to have," he reminds her and she nods before looking up at him.

"What if I use it by accident?" She asks him. "What will happen to me?" She asks softly, her blue eyes holding anxiousness in them.

His gaze softens and he gives her an encouraging smile. "Well, I know for sure Shaye actually considers you as her sister. And Bastion seems to like you as well. But Fleur is unpredictable. You'll have to control yourself around her. She's Delilah's daughter, remember that," he says before the doors to the training room open. He steps back from Lyria and gives her a nod. "You can do it," he murmurs before Bastion shuts the doors behind him.

Bastion looks at Dartanian, giving him a nod and a smile before looking at Lyria. She had already readied herself for a surprise attack, so when she melted a shard of ice that Bastion threw at her, it was clear to the two of them. She was a true Elemental.

Lyria quickly ties her hair up before facing Bastion again, managing to melt anything that he threw in her path. She watches Bastion's every move, attempting to look for a weak spot. She finally sees a chance to take him down, moving in close and using the heat from the fire in her hands to weaken him. Lyria smiles as he actually trips and falls backwards. It was becoming too hot for an Ice Elemental to stand.

She immediately backs down when Bastion raises his hands in surrender. "If I get any hotter, I'll get sick," Bastion murmurs, "you're doing great Lyria. But take it down a notch with the fire...especially around me," he says and Lyria laughs a little.

"Alright, I'm sorry," she apologizes to him but he gives her a smile before nodding towards Dartanian. "Thank you for training with me," she says and Bastion nods.

"Of course. Anytime you need help just ask. If you want to train again, we can," Bastion assures her and she smiles a little before nodding. "And Dartanian, give her a good assessment. She's really good for being who she is. The fact that she didn't know what she was until just after her birthday, means she's one extraordinary Elemental," Bastion says before leaving the training room.

Lyria looks over at Dartanian who is busying himself with writing about her training. She unties her hair before going to sit beside him. "Why did he say I'm extraordinary?" She asks him and Dartanian laughs at her question.

"Why wouldn't he? You're different than us. Not that it's a bad thing,'re very powerful. I've seen it in you and it's...amazing," he tells her, "you've done well with this...better than that actually," he murmurs before showing her his assessments on her, "you don't need any more training as far as I'm concerned. I think you're great," he says and she smiles a bit before looking up at him.

"Thank you," she murmurs before looking down at the paper again, "you've got nice handwriting," she says before he takes the paper away from her.

"Delilah has always said it looks feminine," he tells her and she shakes her head before standing up.

"Why is she so mean to everyone? I don't understand it at all," Lyria says before looking at Dartanian who has a smile on his face. He chuckles before shaking his head.

"She's always been like that. Ever since I met her, she was always like that to everyone, no matter if it was myself, my brother...or her own daughter. She's always been nasty to people," he tells her and she sighs before shaking her head.

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