Chapter Twenty-One: Alternating Current

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December 12th, 2015

"For the love of the Elements, will you get those children to stop running around?!" Delilah calls downstairs as Gwen and Ezra run past the stairs to the kitchen. The two children stop running when they hear the tone of Delilah's voice, both now anxiously waiting for a punishment.

Shaye smiles at the two children before guiding them over to the table. "You two, sit there. I'll make breakfast," she tells them as Delilah enters the kitchen, "good morning Delilah," she says confidently to the woman who sighs in relief as she glances at the dining table.

"Thank you for getting them to settle down," Delilah says and Shaye smiles before nodding once.

"You're welcome. I made some tea and coffee, right there," Shaye points it out to the woman who pours herself a cup of coffee, "is it alright?"

"It's perfect. I'm so glad we have an Earth Elemental in the house. Your people make the best coffee beans and tea leaves," Delilah says and Shaye bites the inside of her cheek to keep herself from speaking.

Delilah leaves the kitchen and Shaye releases a breath before going over to the table and sitting down at the head of the table, then she has Gwen move her chair so the two are facing each other.

"Gwen, I need you to promise me something," Shaye starts, "promise me you won't let others like us degrade you, like Delilah just did. I know it sounded like she was giving me a compliment just now, but she wasn't. She said 'your people' as if the Earth Elementals were separate from Sound Elementals. We're all Elementals. We matter, no matter which Element we are. Do you understand?" Shaye asks and Gwen nods.

"Yeah, I think so," the young girl responds and Shaye smiles softly before nodding.

"Good. What would the two of you like for breakfast? Pancakes? Waffles? Or something new maybe..." she trails off.

"Could we have those...thin pancakes with things inside them?"

Shaye smiles gently before nodding. "Yes, of course."

"Do they have a special name?" Ezra asks.

"Crepes. They originated in France. You can put strawberries and whipped cream on them if you want," Shaye tells them, "or any fruits you'd like."

"I want strawberries!" Gwen says.

"Me too!"

Shaye smiles at the two children before going to the counter to make their breakfast. The brunette looks up when Dartanian enters and grabs a cup of coffee before leaning against the counter as he sips his drink.

"Good morning," he says and Shaye scoffs before shaking her head, "Delilah's already made her way down here, hasn't she?"

"How did you know?" Shaye asks and Dartanian chuckles before shaking his head.

"She'd better watch out. One of these days you'll probably end up hanging her from a tree with a vine," he says and Shaye chuckles.

"I may not like her, but I'm not going to kill her," Shaye points out before pushing her hair behind her ear, "anyways, how's your morning going?" She asks as she gently sets two small plates on the counter.

Dartanian smiles softly before releasing a short sigh. "It's going good."

Shaye looks at him, shocked by his words. "You're smiling, for a really long time. Are you okay?" She asks and he chuckles.

"I'm fine, really."

"You're hanging out with Lyria a lot. Does that have something to do with it?"

Dartanian shrugs before smiling a little. "Yeah, it does," he admits, "she's so kind. No matter what happens she still treats everyone the same. I've never met someone like that before. Especially someone our age," he murmurs before sipping his coffee and smiling a bit.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now