Chapter Fourteen: Surge

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October 20th, 2015

"Miss De Loughrey?"

Lyria cautiously approaches the Lightning Councilwoman. She plays with one of her brown waves as she walks up to the woman.

"Can I ask you something? Well, it may be a few something's..."

Indigo De Loughrey smiles gently before nodding. "Of course. Come sit beside me," she responds, moving over so the young teen can sit beside her.

"'re from England?" Lyria asks and the woman nods, smiling slightly before she looks up at the sky.

"Yes, I was born there, lived there my entire life. But something tells me that's not what's on your mind," Miss De Loughrey says and Lyria sighs before nodding. The teen fiddles with her necklace before speaking.

"I don't know much about our world...I'd like to know more about our kind. One element at a time," Lyria says and Indigo smiles gently.

"And you decided to start with me? Well, I feel honored," she says before taking a deep breath, "Lightning elementals...well, we're complicated ones. Kind of like Fire elementals. We're a little quick to temper...but we can also be incredibly understanding, and strong. I come from a line of pure Lightning Elementals," she tells Lyria, who listens intently, "my family is prominent, wealthy. Either way, being able to do this..." she trails off before snapping her fingers, "shows who and what I am."

Lyria's hair begins to stand up, and she smiles in response. "That's amazing...I didn't think about static electricity..." she trails off before looking at Miss De Loughrey, "I saw you leave last night..."

Indigo nods before smiling slightly. "The Council doesn't particularly like me, since I'm so young...only twenty-eight. Most are thirty-five or older. Although, Councilman Hurst is only thirty-three...but he's well-respected. He's smart, level-headed. I'm seen as young, naive...either way, you didn't come out here to listen to me whine about my life. What would you like to know about Lightning elementals?" Indigo asks and Lyria smiles softly.

"I'm not sure. I know that you can manipulate electricity..."

"Yes. Lightning, electricity. Most kinds of metal are great conductors for electricity, especially copper."

Lyria's eyes widened. "Copper?"

"Yes...don't you wonder how the Statue of Liberty became damaged? A Lightning Elemental wanted to see how great of a conductor it would be. Now you can no longer travel up the arm to the's been damaged," Indigo tells the young girl before taking a deep breath.

Lyria smiles a bit before biting her lip. "Have you ever heard of an elemental getting more than one Mark?" She asks suddenly, and Indigo turns to look at her.

"No, have you seen one?" Indigo asks and Lyria shakes her head.

"No...I just don't want any other surprises," Lyria says, smiling before forcing a small laugh, "I won't turn into a literal flame, will I?"

Indigo laughs softly. "Lord, no. But, you can engulf your body in flames," she tells the young girl, "have you tried that yet?"

Lyria nods. "I can get my arms and legs engulfed, but not my entire body," she admits and Indigo smiles gently before nodding in understanding, "I've been trying but..."

"It's alright. You're just nervous about it, and honestly that's perfectly alright. It's normal. I was terrified when I was your age. Didn't know what the hell I was doing...hurt others...didn't want to use my element for a while. But then I began to train. And I learned how to use this ability. And not let it control me," Indigo murmurs, smiling briefly at the young girl, "you'll learn how to master Fire in time. It takes time to learn things, Lyria."

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