Chapter One: Embers

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Part One


Noun; an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property

September 15th, 2015

"You're not serious are you?" A boy with hair as black as night, asks. The girl he spoke to just smiled, her emerald eyes shining. They were standing behind their public high school. It's the end of the day and the two of them were waiting for their other friends to arrive. "If you get caught-"

"Oh come on, one saw. And I only gave the plant a little boost, nothing more," the girl speaks calmly, unaffected by the tension in the air around them. D'artagnan seemed a bit angered by his friends' passive tone and words.

"You can't do that, Shaye. We'll get caught like last time and the whole household will have to move again. We've only been here for three months!" He almost shouts, trying to make a point to Shaye.

She adjusts her sweater over her green shirt as she rolls her eyes. "Bastion," she says as she looks over Dartanian's shoulder. He's taller than all of them, but Shaye is able to look past him due to her height. She's tall for a girl and hates it.

Bastion didn't look pleased that his friends were fighting again. "Calm down, D. Other kids will hear you. It might be you that reveals our secret this time, not Fleur," Bastion mentions their other friend who still hasn't arrived.

"Doubtful," Dartanian mutters as he leans against the cool brick wall, the three of them waiting impatiently for the other girl. He crosses his arms over his chest and closes his eyes, weary from shouting at his friend. "Shaye, just promise me you won't do that again, in front of everyone," he murmurs and Shaye rolls her eyes.

Bastion nudges her elbow with his, encouraging her to say something. "I promise I won't, okay? It's hard though. Sometimes I can't control it, you know that," she reminds him and he opens his eyes to look at her. His silver eyes are intimidating, looking like liquid silver, they were almost cold.

"I know. I'm sorry. I understand you're still learning. But just try to contain it at school," he says, sounding final in his words. She nods once, pushing her earth brown hair behind her shoulders.

A delicate-looking girl with lavender eyes and white-blond hair joins them, looking quite happy. "What are you so happy about?" Dartanian asks her and she smiles again.

"Nothing. Just a boy asking me out," she tells them and Dartanian rolls his eyes.

"We can't associate with humans, Fleur. You know that just as well as I do," he reminds her and she crosses her arms over her chest.

"I can do as I please. My mother and father run our home, remember?" She asks and Dartanian's lips curl into a sly smirk.

"And if I tell them about this, then you'll get in trouble. So tell the boy your parents said no," he orders and she looks away from him.

Fleur is a small girl, compared to her other three friends. Her hair is different, two-toned, while skin and eyes are fair in color. Her slim figure makes her seem fragile.

Bastion starts making it snow over Fleur's head. It annoys her more, though he was trying to cheer her up. "Stop it, will you?" She asks him and he shrugs before putting his hands into his jeans pockets.

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