Chapter Twenty-Three: Positive Charge

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December 21st, 2015

The first day of winter started differently for everyone.

Delilah and Ellis stood in the parlor, talking quietly as their daughter sat nearby with a book in her hands, tuning out her parents as they conversed.

Dartanian and Lyria sat in the kitchen together while they ate breakfast and spoke softly. The two share some smiles and glances as they speak, both seeming content.

Shaye is out in her greenhouse tending to her various plants and flowers, most of them dead. She sighs softly as she touches the leaves of one plant, yet they refuse to change from the brown they've turned.

Bastion waits patiently at the top of the stairs for Nieva, smiling a little towards her and she returns it. He holds out his hand for her and she searches his face before taking it.

"Your father told us he approved," Bastion starts, "and you do as well?"

Nieva smiles slightly as they begin to descend the stairs. "Yes. It's really my father who speaks for me. So whatever he says, I'll go along with," she tells him as she pushes her white hair behind her ear.

When they reach the bottom of the stairs, they decide to head into the parlor together. Delilah notices them and smiles softly at the couple as they enter. She walks over to the pair in order to greet them.

"Good morning. You two..."

"We're seeing one another," Bastion tells the woman who smiles.

"That's wonderful to hear. I'm happy for the both of you," Delilah says before looking at her husband, "see? This is what I want for Fleur."

"Delilah, don't make it about her. This is Bastion and Nieva's time," Ellis says before smiling at the couple, "take your time. Learn everything you can about each other, and don't rush into an engagement or marriage, understand?" He tells them and the two nod.

"Understood, sir," Bastion says and Ellis smiles a bit before looking over at his daughter.

"Fleur, go get something to eat. Your mother and I are going to finish our conversation in the library," he says and Fleur nods before standing from her chair and swiftly leaving the room.

Nieva and Bastion sit together on the large L-shaped couch, Nieva's hand leaving Bastion's once they get settled. They watch as Ellis and Delilah leave the room, the two still quietly arguing amongst one another.

Nieva smiles slightly before looking at Bastion. "Are they always like that?" She asks.

"More often than not. But I suppose...marriage has its challenges," he murmurs and Nieva raises one of her white eyebrows.

"Well, we're not even engaged. At least, not yet," she says gently before searching his face, "but eventually you will propose, won't you?"

He nods. "When the time is right," he tells her, "but so soon after meeting each other? I don't think so," he says and Nieva smiles a little before nodding, "we'll come to that eventually."

"I agree," Nieva murmurs before smiling softly, "we're only doing this for our families, not ourselves. Even though there's someone we care about. We know it's futile to try with them instead," she murmurs and Bastion looks up when she says that.

"I don't-"

"You do. She looks at you when she knows you aren't looking. And I've seen you look at her. But we both know that you can't be with her. And I can't be with the person I care about either," she murmurs, "but we can eventually learn to care about one time."

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now