Chapter Thirty-One: Tornado

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January 17th, 2016

"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Shaye asks as she pulls a white hat onto her head. "We're going to see if Bastion will distract Dartanian. We want to get him something for his birthday," Shaye whispers.

Lyria winks at her friend. "I already got something for him," she assures the brunette who nods in understanding.

"Alright, we'll see you later, then," Shaye murmurs, "what are you going to be doing?"

"Getting to know my mom better. There are still some things I'd like to know. Like, who died in the fire if it wasn't her?" Lyria says softly and Shaye's eyes widen. "Someone died there. I want to know if she knew that."

"Lyria, that sounds pretty bad. Doesn't that worry you a bit?" Shaye asks softly, glancing over at Erika in the background of the foyer.

Lyria shrugs before smiling a bit. "I'm not worried," Lyria murmurs, "she's my mom. I want to get to know her better."

Shaye nods, her emerald eyes studying Erika for a moment before smiling at Lyria. "Okay. But if she starts to avoid things..."

"Shaye, it'll be fine," Dartanian says before looking at Lyria, "I'll see you later."

Lyria smiles as Dartanian threads his fingers through hers before pressing his lips to hers. "See you later," she murmurs before the four leave the house. She turns to her mother and offers a smile. "Can we talk?"

"Of course," Erika says, smiling at her daughter as she stands, "in the den or...?"

"The library," Lyria insists, "it's quiet in there."

Erika hums as she follows her daughter. "It certainly is."

"I wanted to ask...who died in the fire in our home?" Lyria asks as they enter the library. "There was a couple who died in it. Everyone thought it was you and my father. Was he one of the ones who died?"

Erika opens her mouth, then closes it before sighing softly. "Lyria..."

"Two people died...did you know them?"

"Yes," Erika finally admits, a sly smile making its way onto her face.

"Who were they?" Lyria asks. "And why...what happened that day?"

Erika hums before clasping her hands together. "You really are just as intelligent as your father. You figured out there were holes in my story, didn't you?" Erika asks and Lyria backs up as her mother's clasped hands light up with orange fire.

"What are you doing?" Lyria asks in disbelief as her mother approaches her.

"I shouldn't have waited this long," Erika murmurs.

Lyria takes a deep breath, then releases it, using the air element to push her mother back. "For what?"

Erika shakes off the surprise attack. "I knew you were special. But I didn't know you were this special," Erika says, a wide, threatening smile spreading across her lips.

The door to the library is shoved open and Delilah steps inside the room. "Lyria!" Delilah says and the girl looks over at the older woman. "Come here," Delilah insists and Lyria immediately runs over to her, "I knew this wasn't an accident," she says, pointing at Erika, "what do you want with her?"

"You don't need to know," Erika says before flicking her wrist, a large ball of fire crashing into one of the windows in the back of the room, "come with me, or else," Erika aims the words at her daughter, who shakes her head no.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now