Chapter Twenty-Five: Circulation

3 1 0

December 26th, 2015

"Dartanian, it's almost midnight! We should be in bed," Lyria whispers as the raven-haired male gently pulls her outside, "it's freezing out here," she says before shivering a little.

"Remember what I taught you about creating your own-"

"I know, I know. My own personal homeostatic environment," Lyria murmurs before taking a deep breath, her skin warming up as she exhales, "much better."

"Warmer?" Dartanian asks and she nods, although he decides to touch her arm to feel if she's warmer. "Good, now, this is what I wanted to show you," he tells her as he looks towards the night sky.

Lyria's gaze wanders to the sky as well, and she smiles wider before taking a deep breath. "Wow, it's beautiful...the moon..."

"It's rare to see it this large," Dartanian murmurs as he begins to gaze at Lyria, "once in a lifetime kind of thing," he murmurs and she smiles as he gently pushes some hair behind her ear.

Her sapphire blue eyes turn to look up at Dartanian. "Yeah, it is. Dartanian...I'm grateful to you, and everyone here. I feel like I'm part of something for once, like I truly belong somewhere. And're..."

Dartanian raises an eyebrow before smiling at her. "I've become a good friend of yours?" He asks and she smiles before nodding.

"Yes, something like that," she murmurs, "I enjoy spending time with you. It makes me feel normal, even though I'm far from it."

Dartanian shakes his head. "You're unique. Be glad that you are...if I could be half as unique as you, I'd enjoy it. You're a wonder to be around," he murmurs and Lyria smiles slightly before biting her lip. He searches her face as he gently moves his fingers across her cheek. "You're absolutely beautiful, Lyria. I hope you know this," he tells her and she takes a deep breath before nodding.

"You're using flattery. Should I be nervous?" Lyria asks softly and Dartanian chuckles.

"No. I promise I'm being sincere," he assures her and she smiles gently, "I know this Christmas's been different for you. Your parents aren't around and I'm sorry...I hope we made it a good day for you."

Lyria bites her lip before nodding. "All of you did. It was a nice day, and the evening has been pretty great too," she murmurs as she touches the camera necklace, then looks up at Dartanian, "Dartanian...I'm going to be honest...there was a time where I thought we'd never get along, nor see eye to eye. But now..."

Dartanian cocks his head as he watches Lyria intently. "Now?" He asks softly and Lyria searches his face before she moves to gently stroke his jaw with her fingers.

"Now, you're important to me. More than I thought was possible," she admits as she searches his eyes.

He smiles slightly as he gently caresses her cheek before cupping it carefully in his hand. "I feel the same way, but about you," he says and Lyria laughs softly as Dartanian gently draws her closer. Her blue eyes hold his gaze for a moment before he gently tilts her chin up, smiling softly as she gently rests a hand on his chest. She searches his eyes and inhales softly as he leans closer, their lips almost touching. Dartanian rests a hand behind Lyria's neck before he gently presses his lips to hers.

Lyria smiles into the kiss, her fingers clutching Dartanian's shirt as they kiss. To her, his lips are soft yet focused. She kisses back and smiles as he pulls away so they can look at each other.

"If this was-"

"It was nice. I'm sorry if I wasn' was my first kiss, that's all," she murmurs and he smiles at her before nodding in understanding.

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