Chapter Sixteen: Shockwave

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November 6th, 2015

Fleur hurriedly jogs to the mailbox and grabs the mail, frantically looking through each piece until stopping at one. She smiles as she reads her name, and almost opens it but stops herself. She turns and heads inside the house, placing the rest of the mail in a basket. Her mother or father will take it upstairs once they see it.

Fleur runs upstairs to her room and opens the letter before sitting down to read it comfortably.

Dear Fleur,

I've missed your letters...I am truly sorry that your mother is as controlling as you've told me. I hope one day she can let go of you and you can be free. It isn't fair to you. My family wishes to invite you here, so you can have some time away from your own family. My mother will speak with yours as long as it is alright with you.

I hope you choose to come. France is beautiful, and I can show you all the sights and sounds if you decide to come. Let me know as soon as you can.

Sincerely, Logan

Fleur smiles a little before writing down her reply. She writes a quick note and places it in an envelope, seals it and places a stamp on it. She takes a deep breath before placing the envelope in her purse for safekeeping.

A moment later, she kneels down beside her bed and takes out a box filled with soaps, special carving knives and some decals before setting everything on her vanity. She takes a knife and a bar of soap in her hands before beginning to carve a design into the bar of soap.

She looks up when a knock sounds on her door, and gently sets her things down before going to answer it. She smiles when she sees Gwen standing in front of her door, and steps aside to let the young girl in.

"Hi Gwen," Fleur says, smiling as she shuts her door, "what are you up to today?"

Fleur sets herself on the floor once again and Gwen sits across from the Elemental who smiles softly. "Nothing..."

Fleur hums before continuing to carve into the bar of soap. "Oh really? Is that why you knocked on my door?" She asks the young girl who looks at Fleur with her green eyes.

"I wanted to see if you were making the soaps pretty again," she says and Fleur smiles wider before showing the little girl the bar of soap, "it's a flower!" Gwen says and Fleur nods before taking a deep breath.

"A rose," Fleur murmurs before smiling at Gwen, "so, what happened at school today?"

Gwen shrugs. "It wasn't fun. All of the older kids were making fun of Ezra," she tells the older girl who offers her a gentle smile, "I tried to be nice to him after...but he didn't want to talk."

Fleur pats the spot beside her and the little girl moves to sit beside her. "Sometimes people get really upset...and Ezra could be upset right now but hiding it. Do you understand?"

Gwen nods. "Yeah...I think so. Does that mean he needs a hug?"

Fleur smiles before nodding. "Everyone needs a hug sometimes," she says.

"Even you?"

"Even me," Fleur says before Gwen stands and hugs Fleur. Fleur smiles as she hugs the younger girl back. "Maybe you should give Ezra a hug."

"I will! Thank you Fleur!"

Fleur smiles fondly as the younger girl leaves her room. She then carefully places the rose-shaped soap in a small plastic box before standing. As she steps out of her room, she glances around warily before going across the hall and placing the box in front of another door.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now