Chapter Five: Glow

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September 20th, 2015

The brunette eventually gets out of bed, her feet touching the ground as she looks around at the white room before her. It was plain, with almost everything white. Even the pots holding plants were white. The flowers and plants gave the room a small amount of color, though not much.

She walks towards the door and wraps her slender fingers around the handle before turning it. She steps out into the hallway and finds it lit with a few lights lining the walls. Lyria steps out of the white room cautiously, her eyes scanning the corridor before she fully exits and begins to walk on the carpeted floor.

Upon reaching the end of the hall, she looks both ways before stepping into a large kitchen. The tile floor is cool under her feet, not bothering her at all. Then some voices echo through another long hallway, it sounds like two teenagers. She's right when Shaye and a boy her age walk into the kitchen. "Lyria," Shaye says, "what are you doing out of your room?"

"The white walls are making me sick," Lyria says and Shaye smiles, "it's awful in there." Shaye nods before having Lyria sit down at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Who's he?" Lyria asks and Shaye laughs before responding.

The boy joins Shaye's side before she introduces him. "This is Bastion. He's an Ice Elemental. Anything to do with ice, snow or the cold is what's under his control," Shaye explains to the new Elemental before getting her something to eat, "here. Eat up. You need some food in you," Shaye says, setting some utensils beside her plate of food, "do you want something to drink?"

"Milk please," Lyria almost whispers as Bastion grabs an apple to eat. Shaye serves her some milk and gives her a smile.

"You're wearing a lot of green," Lyria comments and Shaye laughs.

"Yes, we're required to wear the colors assigned to our element. Earth is green, Fire is red, Metal is silver or gray, Ice is white or blue-white, Sound is a light purple or lavender...there's a few others," Shaye tells the young teen who looks completely confused, "don't worry about anything right now. You'll be given a new wardrobe by tonight. You'll also be given a room upstairs, near me or Fleur. The boys have their own corridor," Shaye informs her.

"Corridor?" Lyria asks in disbelief. Bastion smiles before shrugging.

"There's more than the five of us teens. There's some younger kids and adults staying with us. We have a large community," Bastion informs the girl.

Lyria is still sizing him up, considering he has white-blonde hair and gray eyes. "How large?" She asks them and Shaye looks at Bastion before taking a deep breath.

"Our home country is Wales, most of our kind reside there because of the climate. Not too many people live in the northern parts. We survive because we're nothing like humans," Bastion informs her, "I can survive the coldest temperatures because of what I am. I've never gotten frostbite, not even close. Shaye is pretty tough herself, she-"

Shaye puts her hand up and looks at him. "I think she gets it. Just let her process the information for a moment," Shaye says, "would you like to see your room?" Shaye asks, turning to look at the blue-eyed girl. Lyria nods, desperate to have some solace. Shaye seems to understand how all of the information isn't helping Lyria one bit. Bastion takes her dirty plate and utensils so he can wash them. "C'mon," Shaye says and shows Lyria upstairs.

"I thought you said..." Lyria trails off, not knowing what else to say to the taller girl.

"Delilah told me which room would be yours," Shaye says as they hike upstairs, "this is the girl's corridor. For any girl under the age of eighteen or whichever woman isn't married," she says and Lyria smiles a little before Shaye opens a door and shows the shorter girl in.

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