Chapter Twenty-Eight: Turbulence

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January 4th, 2016

"I never thought I'd say this but, I'm glad to be back in school," Lyria says as she walks down the hallway with her friends, "Avoiding my mother all weekend was exhausting," she admits quietly.

Dartanian gently squeezes her hand. "You'll have to talk to her eventually," he murmurs and she nods.

"I know. But I don't know what to say. I'm angry at her."

"Tell her that. Let her know how you feel. If you don't voice it, she won't know and won't understand either," Dartanian says and Lyria nods.

Shaye rests a hand on Lyria's shoulder and offers her a smile. "Your mother should know how you feel. The reason you're angry is because you haven't known her. You've always wanted to know your parents and you're angry because you've missed out," Shaye reasons and Lyria shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess that's part of it. But I'm still unsure of her. When we finally sit down and talk, I'd like someone there with me," she says before looking up at Dartanian.

He smiles at her before chuckling. "I'll be there. You know I wouldn't let you speak to her alone. I'm your muscle," he jokes and she begins laughing, the rest of the group beginning to laugh along with them, "but, it's odd that she's suddenly here. I wouldn't want you alone in a room with her unless you were comfortable with it," he admits as they head into their first class together.

"Thank you," Lyria murmurs and he nods before offering her a slight smile.

"Of course, anytime," he murmurs softly as they sit together. He shifts his chair a little closer before Lyria subconsciously hooks her right arm through his left. She starts writing in her notebook, taking notes for the class while Dartanian opens up his own notebook.

"If you were in my position...what would you do?" Lyria asks softly and Dartanian searches her sapphire blue eyes before taking a deep breath.

"I would be doing the same thing," he tells her.

She smiles a little before inhaling sharply. "You would?"

He nods. "Yes. I would," he assures her and she smiles slightly before squeezing his arm.

"Okay. I'm glad you said that, actually," she murmurs before the school bell rings, "that bell loves to interrupt," she mutters and Dartanian chuckles before she pulls away from him.

"School rules are quite annoying and stupid," he murmurs, "soon we'll be graduating," he insists and she smiles a little.

"Not soon enough," she says before the teacher calls attention to the class.

"So, what are we doing for your birthday this year?" Shaye asks Dartanian, nudging his shoulder as they wait on the side of the school.

Dartanian sighs before shrugging. "I don't really care what we do," he murmurs.

"Is your birthday coming up soon?" Lyria asks.

"The twenty-second," he informs her, "don't worry about it, though. I want the day to pass...quickly," he tells her and Lyria looks at Shaye before offering him a smile.

"Okay," Lyria murmurs as Bastion pulls up in his car with Fleur already inside. The three get inside the car, Dartanian sitting behind Bastion so Lyria could sit in the middle. She laughs as he pulls her into the seat, both teens smiling as they hold each other's hands.

Lyria takes a deep breath as she rests her head on Dartanian's shoulder, her eyes focusing on their held hands as the car begins to move. "Well, you two certainly aren't hiding it anymore," Fleur says and Lyria smiles softly.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now