Chapter 3: Rescued

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(Kyle's Pov)

"Nooo... Mayson..." I screamed and froze there for a moment. What just happened in front of my eyes! My best friend, my brother like friend, fell from a height of two hundred feet. My hands and feet started trembling and I fell on my knees to the ground.

"Hey! are you alright?" A man asked worriedly after seeing my condition. He helped me stand and I immediately ran to the person who had attached the elastic chord to the jump platform. I grabbed him by his collar and started punching him.

"WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU KILLED SOMEONE. YOU KILLED MY FRIEND. Do you even know who he is? He is..." I was about to say but stopped myself from revealing his indentity. No I can't. I can't say that he is none other than the famous singer Mayson Forbes. No-no I can't or else Maysi will get angry with me. I thought and tears started welling my eyes. "I will make you rot in jail? No I will kill you right now..." I growled like a fierce wolf and started punching him again.

Few people came there and immediately freed him from my grip. I looked at him and saw that blood was pouring out of his nose and mouth from my punch. He was looking extremely scared and tried to explain me that it was not his fault. It was just an accident. Some other people present there also started to explain that there wasn't any fault from there side but I couldn't able to believe and broke down into sob. How can I believe them? There must have been some fault, otherwise why would this happen? Some people were trying to console me that they have sent the rescue team but what is the use? No one can survive after falling from two hundred feet.

" li-little bro-brother." I whispered and then everything went black.

(Mayson's pov)

"Aaahhhhh" I screamed. Gravity began to pull me down rapidly and it didn't take me a moment to realize that this was the end of me. End of my life. I closed my eyes and the faces of all my loved ones started running through my mind like a wave. I wish I could meet my family one last time. I thought.

I had almost surrendered myself to death then suddenly I felt someone's hand in my waist. Someone grabbed my waist tightly with one hand and held my torso with the other. Slowly I felt that the pace of my fall was slowing down but still I did not dare to open my eyes. When after a few moments I felt my feet touching something, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself standing on the ground.

Am I in hell or heaven? I am dead, right? I was thinking but my thoughts get interrupted by someone's voice, "you are alive." It was a sweet femenine voice that filled my ears like a melody. I immediately turned my head and saw a lady standing only an inch apart from me, holding my waist. I couldn't see her face because it was covered with a black velvet mask, only her eyes were visible. GOLDEN BROWN EYEBALLS. Her eyes were so beautiful that I was drowning and drowning in it. For a moment I forgot that I had fallen from a height of two hundred feet.

 For a moment I forgot that I had fallen from a height of two hundred feet

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I was getting nervous and a little uncomfortable and she realised it. Soon she took her hand off my waist and I stumbled and fell on the ground. I stood up and finally realised that I am neither in hell nor in heaven but on the earth. I gathered some courage to recall what just happened. "I am al-alive. Oh my god I am alive." I whispered and immediately turned to thank her for saving my life but she had gone. Where can she go so fast? I thought.

"Helloooo, anyone hereeee?" I shouted but there was no trace of human life except me. I started getting panic because I was lost in the ravines. There were only rocks and mountains which were almost touching the sky. I started shuffling my pocket and got my phone. "Thank god" I whispered. I was about to call Kyle but... NO NETWORK.

I started panicking more but soon I heard the sound of the helicopter and looked up that the rescue team had arrived.

I finally breathed in relief.

(Kyle's Pov)

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a bed. I started feeling nauseous from the smell of drugs and soon realised that I am in a hospital.

"Hey, you woke up" someone said.

I turned my head and was shocked to see the person sitting on a chair next to me. "Ma-Mayson?" I whispered.

I immediately sat up straight and asked him, "Maysi is it really you?"

"Yes, it's me." He said and smiled.

I hugged him dearly and started sobbing, "are y-you ok? I was so scared Maysi." I said in between my sobs.

"Hey, I am ok. I am absolutely fine Kyle. Please don't cry." He said, patting my back.

"Maysi, I can't believe my eyes. I mean you are alive!" I asked

"Why? Do you want me to die?" He asked jokingly.

"Yaahhhh... Maysi..." I shouted like a child and slapped his arm lightly.

He laughed and said, "ok ok I was just joking I am not going to die too soon. Don't worry."

"Stop laughing and tell me who saved you? How did you get here? How did you know I am here? Wait! What happened to me by the way? I-I fought with the man and-an-d..."

"And you passed out and the people present there brought you here. This is what I came to know from the doctor and nurses here." He said.

"O... and you?" I asked and then he told me everything. I felt weird when he mentioned about a mysterious woman who saved him.

"Who was she?" I asked him getting curious.

"I don't know dude. I didn't even see her full face. It was covered with a mask and I only saw her eyes. And you know I couldn't even thank her for saving my life." He said with a sad face.

"Why" I asked.

"She had gone. I-I mean she had just gone in a blink! She just-just kind of vanished from there." He said.

"Hmm... strange." I said.

Is she a ghost? Whatever, I am happy that my friend is alive. I thought.

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