Chapter 26: How we met? (part-1)

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I was standing at the airport for the last three hours wondering when my brother would come back. As I was thinking this, I heard a voice "big brooooo" As soon as I heard this familiar voice I turned around with joy, but... Instead of my brother, a big rabbit came and stood in front of me. Has my one and only brother gone mad after studying in university?? Just thinking this, I got a magical hug and I hugged him as well and asked, "Hey, why are you dressed as a rabbit?"

 Has my one and only brother gone mad after studying in university?? Just thinking this, I got a magical hug and I hugged him as well and asked, "Hey, why are you dressed as a rabbit?"

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"O c'mon big brother you don't know anything, this is the latest fashion." He said.

"What kind of fashion is this, they have transformed a human being into a rabbit?!" I asked and he said, "It's called bunny not rabbit and the name of this fashion is Bunny Fashion. Why are you calling me a rabbit?"

"Fine fine my bunny bro" I said and chuckled.

"By the way, I want to introduce you to someone." He said and there was a lovely girl standing at a little distance, he called her to him.

"Umm...big bro she is Genevieve and Genevieve he is my big brother." He said and both of them started blushing. Seeing both of their faces like red tomatoes, I understood that she is his girlfriend.

"Hi Genevieve it's nice to meet you." I said and held out my hand for a shake. She shook hands with me and said, "Hello sir, I am a big fan of yours."

Sir! I felt like laughing out loud on hearing this word but I controlled my laughter because she was so nervous that her hands were trembling. Eric immediately freed her hand from mine and said, "You hold my hand and why are you so nervous? My brother will not eat you."

"Sorry" she said softly and I scolded my brother and said, "oye! why are you chiding her? And Genevieve no need to be so formal you can call me Mayson or big brother."

Eric's face fell after I scolded him, but immediately a smile came back on his face when she said, "big brother is fine" And I laughed very loudly after seeing the faces of both of them and I said, "okay, now let's go home. You guys must be tired."
(Sunday Evening)

The whole house was glittering with lights. It was decided to arrange a small party but mother turned a small party into a wedding party. Who decorates so much? I don't know what will happen when I get married? She will decorate the whole city, I guess. Talking about the wedding reminded me that I have not yet asked my brother about his and Genevieve's love story. Let me bring you some news about them.

I was about to go to my brother's room when someone called from behind, "sir!"

I turned back and saw Genevieve standing there with a small teddy bear and a pen in her hand.

"Sir! Again! What did I tell you?" I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"Sorry, I mean big brother." She said.

"That's better." I said and smiled.

"Umm...If you don't mind, can I ask you for something?" She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can you give me your autograph?" She said while extending her pen and teddy towards me.

"Yeah sure why not?" I said and took the cute plushie and the pen to gave her my autograph.

"Thank you so much big brother" she said so happily as if a little child had got his lost toy back.

"Till date my autograph has never been asked for..." We flinched a little hearing this and saw an angry bird standing there.

" We flinched a little hearing this and saw an angry bird standing there

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"Huh! Wha...I didn't understand. Why should I ask you for an autograph?" She asked innocently and I laughed so hard after hearing this that I felt like my lungs would burst from laughing.

"Wow! My girlfriend is insulting me and brother is laughing at me." He said.

"Genevieve you are perfect for him." I said and winked.

"Whatever" he said with a poker face.

"Okay okay. By the way, I was coming to you both."

"Please don’t make me do any work." He said.

"Nah my couch potato, I just wanted to have a little chit chat with you guys. You both haven't told me anything about yourselves yet. I mean how did you two meet each other?" I asked and Eric started saying, "it's nothing special but I would love to tell you..."


(Author's POV)

Eric was sitting in the library reading some books when he heard..."excuse me!"

He looked up and saw a cute girl was standing in front of him.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Sorry to bother you, but can you help me with something?" That girl asked.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Actually, I want that book." She said, pointing to a book at the top of a shelf nearby and Eric realized that she wouldn't be able to reach there so she wanted his help.

He got up and took the book down from the shelf and saw that it was an economics book. Eric gave her the book and asked, "Are you a student of economics?" She thanked Eric and said that she was an economics student.

"May I ask which university you are from?" He asked.

"I am a student at Felicity University." She said.

"What a coincidence! I am also a student of the same university." Eric said and smiled.

"By the way I'm Eric and I'm in the geography department." He said.

"I'm Genevieve." She said and smiled.

Both of them introduced each other and shook hands. This is how there love story started.

After knowing that they were in the same university, both of them used to look for an excuse to meet each other almost every day. And they would find some excuse to meet each other, whether it was during breaktime or by bunking a class. In this way their romantic journey forged ahead day by day.

One day Eric was sitting alone after the class was over and then he gets a video call from Mayson. Since he was alone, he received the call and started talking to his brother happily, but he didn't know that as soon as he received the call, someone stood secretly behind him and that person was shocked to see him talking to Mayson Forbes.

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