Chapter 24: Coffee With Her

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The next day I met Kyle and told him everything but that brat didn't take anything seriously and kept laughing the whole time. Although it was good because I really didn't want him to make any weird assumptions about me and her.

(Kyle's POV)

"Why did I choose to become a manager and that too of this brat. How dare he kick me just because I was laughing at him. I'm older than him yahhh...Now you come to me Mayson I will kick you to some other planet" I was blabbering nonsense while walking down the street and suddenly I bumped into, bumped into someone and the takeaway cup I was holding fell on the street and the coffee spilled, of which I didn't even take a sip. I was about to yell at the person, but I stopped when I heard, "oh! I'm so sorry." I looked up and there was a young lady standing in front of me. She had blonde curly hair that almost touched her waist, hypnotic hazel eyes with big eyelashes and pale skin. Beautiful face with beautiful voice. I thought and said, "it's okay I didn't see where I was going." She looked at the coffee that was now kissing the street and said, "Ummm...if you don't mind I can get you some coffee since it's totally ruined."

No no thanks

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No no thanks. It's no problem. I said to myself but something else came out of my mouth, "I don't mind if you allow me to pay the bill." Coffee with a beautiful lady. How can I miss this chance. Hehehe. I thought. "But wasn't it me who ruined it? So I don't think that would be fair." She said. "I'm the one who bumped into you, so it's my fault, and since it's my fault, I'll pay the bill. I said and smiled. She chuckled and said, "alright fifty fifty then?" "Fine" I said and we both laughed. "By the way I am Kyle Adams" I said. "I am Monica Stewart." She said and we both started walking towards a cafe which was not so far.
"So you literally just dated a stranger." Mayson said laughing.

"No, I literally had a cup of coffee with a woman." I said irritably.

"As if I don't know you. Hasn't the flirtatious bug inside you come out?" he asked and smirked.

"I'm not a flirt, I'm an extrovert unlike you." I said, smacking his head.

He laughed and then said, "okay okay don't be mad my big brother. By the way was she beautiful?"

"Why so interested?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Tch.. I'm not. Just asking." He said.

"Yeah she was beautiful and nice." I said and smiled.

"Your smile says everything." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"What's her name?" He asked.

"Monica Stewart." I said and he jumped on the couch like a monkey saying, "what?"

"What? 'What?' That's her name and why are you behaving like a monkey?" I asked.

He crawled towards me while saying, "duuudddde! You know the psychiatrist I... wait! is she a psychiatrist?"

"I don't know, haven't asked about her profession." I said.

"Okay fine tell me atleast how she looks like?" He asked and I said, "she had long hair...."

He stopped me and asked, "was it curly and blonde?"

"Yes" I said and then he again asked, "hazel eyes?"

"Yes" I said and he asked "pale skinned?"

"Yes, she was, but why the hell are you inquiring so much about her?" I asked getting curious.

"It's she" He mumbled.

"She who?" I asked.

"Kyle, do you remember that I told you about a psychiatrist I go to these days?" he asked and I said, "Yes, I remember."

"Her name is also Monica Stewart." He said.

"So you mean to say that I met with your psychiatrist?" I asked.

"Probably, because the description you gave is very similar to the Dr. Monica I know." he said.

"But Mayson, there could be many people in this city with the same name and face." I said.

"That's why I said probably and if it's really her then there is one more thing you should know." He said

"What?" I asked.

"Monica and Maya are sisters." He said.

"Maya who?... wait what? You mean your psychiatrist and your co-dancer are siblings?" I asked shocked and he nodded yes.

"Sh*t! If I had known this earlier I would have spent more time with her." I muttered.

"Spend more time with her. Ahem... ahem..." he repeated my sentence dramatically and I kicked him, "Yaahh, you brat! I mean if I knew that I would have talked to her more to confirm if it was her or not."

"We can do one thing." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Next time you go to meet her I'll come with you," I said.

"So you can flirt." he said and I pushed him on the couch and then we both started fighting, I mean... a war which ended soon because we realized we were behaving like two crazy chimpanzees who have escaped from a zoo.
(Monica's POV)

I'm glad my sister has been acting sensible these days. She also told me that she would first find out if Mayson knew about the dark side of his family. It's good that she didn't decide to kill him without knowing the whole truth. Although I was the one who always insisted her to think twice before doing anything, she is not the kind of person who listens to others so it is quite surprising that she has become sensible now. Mayson effect! Hah! It's not that I like him or anything but I don't hate him either. I have read his mind many times but still I didn't find anything fishy, rather I found him to be a really gentle person.

Kyle Adams. I met his manager today. I thought of meeting him because Maya told me that Mayson and Kyle are very close, like brothers. So it would be very useful to befriend him as he can give us a lot of personal information about Mayson. Kyle is very friendly and talkative so I wouldn't have much difficulty making friends with him.

You are quite useful Kyle. I thought and smirked.

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